Department of Chemistry

The Department of Chemistry
at UNIBA was founded in 1982 and is presently composed of almost 50 tenure-track professors and limited-term researchers as well as technicians and administrative staff. Courses are offered in all the Chemistry disciplines (General, Inorganic, Analytical, Organic and Physical Chemistry) as well as different Degree Courses at UNIBA. The Department coordinates the Degree Courses (Laurea) in Chemistry and Environmental Sciences (Bachelor’s Degree, 3 years) as well as in Chemical Sciences and Technologies and Material Sciences and Technologies (Master’s Degree, 2 years). A PhD School in Chemical and Molecular Sciences (3 years) is offered as well. Moreover, the Department also hosts researchers and technical/administrative staff belonging to three institutes of the National Research Council.
National evaluation output: The University and Research National Evaluation Agency (, through the Assessment of Research Quality (VQR) project, ranks the organisations evaluating the research produced as well as their ability to attract external funding. One of the most descriptive indexes is the “final indicator for research (IRFD)”. The VQR 2004-2010 data states that:
- the IRFD of the Department of Chemistry of UNIBA is 4th in the ranking out of 14 Chemistry Departments in Italy; this ranking is also the highest of all the Departments of UNIBA;
- the elicited IRSF is also 29th out of 113 Departments that have submitted products in the research area of Chemistry (Area 3);
- the ability to attract external research funding (at the regional, national and European level) is also high. According to the VQR the UNIBA Chemistry Department, having attracted almost 25 M in the past four years, is ranked in the first top 25 percent at the national level, and alone constitutes 23% of the entire research funding budget awarded to UNIBA.
Available facilities: The scientific research carried out within the Department are in line with HORIZON 2020 strategic directions and are developed in close collaboration with national and international public and private research centres. The Department offers many facilities (numerous research labs, one library, 2 computing stations, 2 research interdepartmental centres, research facilities) which provide a friendly stimulating atmosphere and allow to perform advanced research in many interdisciplinary fields.
Main research topics: The most relevant research themes are schematically listed below: - soft matter bioelectronics - plasma processes for fundamental chemistry and industrial applications - advanced materials for biomedical applications - organic and hybrid materials for optoelectronics - chemistry of metals in biological systems biological and inorganic Systems - laser, plasma and molecules - physical chemistry of complex systems - computational chemistry - environmentally friendly processes and catalysis - chemicals and fuels from renewable sources - antimicrobial nanomaterials in mass spectrometry and sensors - innovative methods in mass spectrometry for food, clinical and cultural heritage - "omics" sciences and advanced applications of mass spectrometry - sustainable technologies for synthesis and biotechnology applications.
The PhD school: The PhD school in Chemical and Molecular Sciences of the University of Bari promotes the advancement of knowledge in several areas of Chemical Sciences, from chemical synthesis to chemical characterization, from advanced materials to devices, from environmental chemistry to the study of biomolecules. Original and multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary research activities are developed, often supported and funded by national and international research structures and companies.
The Course is structured into three curricula, namely: Advanced Chemical Processes; Chemistry of Innovative Materials; Chemistry of Biological Systems.
Classes are offered in the following areas: advanced diagnostic methods for solids; NMR and other magnetic based diagnostics; elements of biology and biochemistry; computational chemistry; advanced organic synthesis; nanotechnology and nanoparticles; surface analysis techniques; treatment of data, writing skills (to communicate science to a variety of audiences from a multidisciplinary perspective), project managements; intellectual property protection; writing scientific English (to write clearly and effectively for a scientific and lay audience).

The PhD course is managed by a Coordinator and a Doctorate Committee of 30-40 members, mostly from the University of Bari. The students enter the Course after a competitive selection held every September. Each year the students have to discuss the advancement of their research work in front of a Thesis Committee, composed of a Supervisor and 4 other members appointed by the Doctorate Committee. At the end of the third year the students have to defend their Thesis in front of an External Committee composed by members that are all external to the PhD school selected by the Doctorate Committee.

Our department is proud in it’s achievements obtained thus far in chemical education, research facilities and in preparing and developing the scientists of the future.

pubblicato il 04/09/2018 ultima modifica 04/09/2018

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