Global Doc Project

GLOBAL thesis for DOCtoral students

Scholarship for foreign students (incoming)

  • Monthly contribution for formative activities (courses, lab activities etc.): € 280.00
  • Monthly contribution for living expenses: € 1,200.00
  • Travel expenses (lump sum): € 592.00

Other forms of support: individual mentor / visa & pre‐departure support (accomodation / urban mobility / bank account / insurance)


(after the arrival of the student)

  • 70% after the signature of the financial agreement (on an Italian bankaccount);
  • A fixed reimbursement contribution of € 592.00 will be paid against presentation of flight ticket and boarding card;
  • 30% of the scholarship will be paid at the end of the stay (last month). 

How to apply

Deadline: 4/12/2017

Candidate should submit:

  • research proposal (researchandtrainingactivities) approved by home institution;
  • (not compulsory but strongly suggested) reference letter(s) by the potential academic tutor at the University of Bari.
  • other docs (see call for candidature)

A Learning Agreement signed by all parties involved (candidate, home and host institutions) should be signed and submitted after the selection but before the mobility

Evaluation of the candidature and rankings (incoming) 

Evaluation committee (3 rankings by macro geographical areas) 

Total points (100)

  • Degree final mark / GPA (up to 15 points)
  • Research Proposal (up to 50 points)
  • Language skills (up to 15 points)
  • Other relevant experiences included in the application form (up to 20 points) 

Other activities related to Global Doc 

Global Doc seminar series: a series of open public event devoted to the dissemination of research activities conducted by both incoming and outgoing PhD students will be organized;

Global Doc new institutional agreements: one the aims of the project is to extend the international network of research collaboration. 

pubblicato il 06/11/2017 ultima modifica 15/11/2017

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