
Alcune pubblicazioni/Selected publications
  1. “Are Catastrophe Bonds Effective Financial Instruments in the Transport and Infrastructure Industries? Evidence from International Financial Markets” 8in collaborazione con Fabio Pizzutilo), Business and Economic Horizons, 14(2), pp. 256-267, 2018;
  2. “Value of time in the economic evaluation of transport infrastructures: an application of a cluster analysis” (in collaborazione con Fabio Pizzutilo), Proceedings of the European Transport Conference 2017;
  3.  “Real option analysis applied to transport investment projects” (in collaborazione con Fabio Pizzulito), Proceedings of the International Conference on Traffic and Transport Engineering, 2016; 
  4. “Equity concern of stakeholders with regard to transport projects” (in collaborazione con Elisabete Arsenio), Proceedings of the 44th European Transport Conference, 2015; 
  5.  “Gli investimenti marittimi e la sicurezza nei trasporti: l’area Adriatico-Jonica”, in Rivista Sicurezza e scienze sociali” Nuove dimensioni della sicurezza in un territorio liquido: la Macroregione Adriatico-Ionica, Anno III, n.3/2015, curato da C. Cipolla, E. Minardi, T. Carlone;
  6. “Reconsidering social equity in urban transport choices: putting women and elderly in the mobility agenda” (in collaborazione con Elisabete Arsenio), Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons, 2015;
  7. “Transport Issues and Sustainable Mobility in Smart Cities (in collaborazione con Silvano Vergura), 5th International Conference on Clean Electrical Power,Conference Proceedings, ISBN 879-I-47998704-7, 2015;
  8. “Safety in air transport, risk perception, airside and landside solutions”, (in collaborazione con Fabio Carlucci e Andrea Cirà), in Pellegrino, F. (a cura di), Legislation and regulation of risk management in aviation activity, Giuffrè Editore, Milano, 2014;
  9. “ “Urban travellers behaviour: why they do not use public facilities?”, 18th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, Hong Kong 14-16 December 2013;
  10. “Transport investments: are they crucial for the economic system?”, Int. J. Engineering Management and Economics, Vol 2, no. 4, pp 351-368, 2011;
  11.  (ed.), Urban sustainable mobility, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2011;
  12. “Sustainable pricing and European maritime policy”, Trasporti, n.110, 2010;
  13. “Urban travellers’ mode choice: towards a new culture for urban mobility”, in Brebbia, C.A., Urban Transport, WIT Press, 2009;
  14. “Sustainable urban mobility in Europe and in Asia” (with Justyna Karakiewicz), Proceedings of The Twelfth Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference, Hong Kong, 2006.
pubblicato il 02/09/2013 ultima modifica 03/07/2018

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