Maria Chiara Sportelli


Maria Chiara Sportelli

MCS graduated in Chemistry -summa cum laude- at the University of Bari in 2012, studying the synthesis and characterization of ZnO antimicrobials. Her work was awarded as the best Italian master thesis in Analytical Chemistry for 2012. From 2013 to 2016 she accomplished her PhD studies in Chemistry of Innovative Materials (Analytical Chemistry) at the University of Bari and Ulm University (DE), working on the development, characterization and analytical application of new nanostructured materials and organic/inorganic nanocomposites. Her PhD thesis was recognized as the best of the PhD School in Chemical Science, XXVIII cycle, winning the 2016 “Gianfranco Giorgio PhD Award”. She received the "Young Scientist Award 2015” at XVIII Euroanalysis Conference, along with the Gordon F. Kirkbright Bursary Award 2017 from the Association of British Spectroscopists Trust (ABS Trust), the Ambrogio Mazzucotelli Award 2018 from the Italian Chemical Society, and the European Young Chemist Award EYCA 2020 Gold Medal for the Early Career Researcher level. The last three were granted for her achievements in the spectroscopic characterization of biofilms exposed to antimicrobial thin films. Since 2016, she had several post-doc fellowships, still working on the synthesis, surface spectroscopic and microscopic characterization of nanomaterials, and their application as antimicrobial agents. She is currently tenured Assistant Professor in Analytical Chemistry at the Chemistry Department of the University of Bari. Since 2012, MCS is member of the Italian Chemical Society (SCI) and has been part of the Organizing Committee of the PhD School “CHESS”, for the 2017 and 2019 editions, along with the international iSo-Days 2020 Conference. MCS serves as referee many international Journals and is member of the Topic Editorial Board of “Antimicrobials”. Currently, she is co-editing a special issue on the same Journal and on the Journal “Reactions”. Her scientific production is documented by 38 papers on peer-reviewed journals, 5 technical papers on journals without impact factor, 9 conference proceedings, 5 book chapters, 34 abstracts with ISBN, and more than 120 communications presented at national and international conferences. H-index = 16 (Scopus). MCS has a 10-year experience in the synthesis and analytical characterization of metal nanoparticles, polymers, and nanostructured hybrid materials with antimicrobial properties. Her research mainly focuses on the use of combined analytical techniques for understanding microbial contamination, eradication, and fighting through controlled ionic release.

pubblicato il 04/04/2013 ultima modifica 23/05/2022

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