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1989                PhD in Physics at the Physics Department of the University of Bari Aldo Moro, supervisor Prof. Aldo Cingolani

1985                Laurea Degree in Physics cum laude at the Physics Department of the University of Bari Aldo Moro, supervisor Prof. Aldo Cingolani

1980                Scientific high school diploma (60/60) at the Liceo Scientifico “A. Scacchi”, Bari



2002 -             Full professor of Experimental Condensed Matter Physics at the Physics Department of the University of Bari Aldo Moro, Bari, Italy



2006 – 06-07  Visiting professor at the Physics Department of the University Denis Diderot, Paris 7, France

2000 – 07-08   Visiting researcher at Bell Laboratories of Lucent Technologies, Murray Hill – NJ, USA

1999 – 2002    Associate professor of Physics at the Physics Department of the University of Bari Aldo Moro

1994 – 1996    Consultant at Bell Laboratories of Lucent Technologies (formerly AT&T), Murray Hill–NJ, USA, in the group of Prof. Federico Capasso

1992 – 02-03  Visiting researcher at the Walter-Schottky-Institute, Garching, München, Germany, in the group of Prof. Gerhard Abstreiter

1991 – 1999    Assistant professor of Physics at the Physics Department of the University of Bari Aldo Moro

1989 – 1991    Post-doc researcher at the Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Physics, Stuttgart, Germany, in the groups of Prof. Manuel Cardona and Prof. Klaus Ploog



Prof. Scamarcio’s scientific excursus is characterized by the proven ability to explore the physical limits of relevant phenomena towards their applications, by contributing to a variety of topics such as: light-matter interaction in layered crystals; semiconductor quantum heterostructures and optoelectronic devices; design and fabrication of quantum cascade lasers and their applications; design and fabrication of thin film transistors for molecular sensing. This evolution stems from a solid background in solid-state physics, spectroscopy and photonics developed during the degree and the PhD courses in physics, under the supervision of Prof. Aldo Cingolani.

His capability of focusing on state-of-the-art physical problems in the exploding field of quantum heterostructures and their peculiar structural and vibrational properties, as manifested in Raman and infrared spectroscopies, was further refined during a post-doc at the Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Physics, Stuttgart, one of the leading labs in the field, under the supervision of Prof. Manuel Cardona and Prof. Klaus Ploog. During a post-doc stage at the Walter-Schottky-Institute, Munich, on the micro-probe Raman spectroscopy, under the supervision of Prof. Gerhard Abstreiter, G. Scamarcio posed the bases for the development of an innovative technique for the investigation of optoelectronic devices in-operando, that allowed to experimentally assess fundamental properties and to discover unexpected out-of-equilibrium inter-subband electronic and phononic populations in quantum structures and devices.

While already permanent researcher at the University of Bari, he wanted to have an even stronger international experience at the frontier of quantum device physics and thanks to his strong competences in 1994 he managed to be hired for a 2-years sabbatical at Bell Laboratories of AT&T (later Lucent Technologies), in their world-renowned site of Murray Hill (NJ-USA), in the group of Prof. Federico Capasso. His main achievement was the invention and patenting of the superlattice scheme of quantum cascade lasers, which paved the way to the increase of the emitted power of these unique mid-infrared sources by more than two orders of magnitude, in the Watt-level, which has been a milestone prerequisite for a subsequent plethora of applications. [G. Scamarcio et al., Science 276, 773-776 (1997), US Patent 5,936,989].

Back to Italy, G. Scamarcio decided to invest his scientific and technological experience also in favor of the creation and management of a public-private network among universities, public research entities, large and medium enterprises, focusing on research and development or technological transfer in the field of mechatronics, which is the leading industrial sector in the area of Bari. Eventually, this effort led to the creation of the technological cluster on mechatronics (MEDIS in 2007. At the same time, he focused his research activity on the study of self-mixing phenomena in semiconductor and quantum cascade lasers for metrological applications and real-time monitoring of laser material processing, quartz-enhanced mid-IR and terahertz photoacoustic sensors, ultra-sensitive chemical sensors based on thin film transistors.

Lately, he engaged in a new challenge by contributing to the creation of a multidisciplinary team developing sensors based on electrolyte-gated organic field effect transistors and studying the collective effects underlying their extreme capability to detect zepto-molar bio-marker concentrations equivalent to single molecule sensing, with mm-sized devices [Nature Communications 9, 3223, (2018), Advanced Materials, in press, International patent applications PCT/IB2019/061345, PCT/IB2018/050491, PCT/IB2018/053611, PCT/IB2017/058065].



MAJOR SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS (with collaborators & co-workers)


- Assessing the physical mechanisms controlling large-area interfaces for single-molecule label-free bioelectronic detection, Advanced Materials (2023). DOI: 10.1002/adma.202304102


- Mapping the propagation of collective modes in 2D topological insulators by near-field terahertz nanoscopy based on self-detection, Nature Communications 12, 6672 (2021).


- Single-molecule detection with a millimetre-sized transistor and related inventions, Nature Communications, 9, 3223, (2018). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-05235-z


- Assessing self-mixing in quantum cascade lasers and developing terahertz near-field phase-resolved nanoscopy exploiting self-detection in THz QCLs, Optics Express (2013, 2018).,, *


- Demonstration of terahertz (quartz enhanced) photo-acoustic trace gas sensors, Applied Physics Letters 103, 021105 (2013). *


- Measurement of subband electronic temperatures in THz quantum-cascade lasers developing a method based on micro-probe optical luminescence, Applied Physics Letters 86, 111115 (2005). *


- Invention of superlattice quantum cascade laser, Science 276, 773 (1997). *


- Demonstration of the size dependence of electron-LO-phonon coupling and lattice contraction in semiconductor nanocrystals, Physical Review B (1996, 1992)., *


- Optical phonons in the limit of ultrathin-layer superlattices measured by micro-probe Raman spectroscopy and infrared reflectivity, Physical Review B (1993, 1991), *


- Assessment of LO phonon frequency in GaN, Solid State Communications 58, 823 (1986).   *


* G. Scamarcio first and/or senior author



The research activity of Gaetano Scamarcio is documented by 324 Scopus products, also published in journals with high impact factor such as Science, Nature Communications, Advanced Materials, Chemical Review, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. The published works gathered more than 8.700 Google Scholar citations resulting in an h-index of 53 (SCOPUS h-index: 48). Furthermore, the works cited at least 10 times in the last 5 years (i10-index) are 153 ( Listed in the following are the most relevant 20 publications:


  1. Genco, F. Modena, L. Sarcina, K. Björkström, C. Brunetti, M. Caironi, M. Caputo, V. M. Demartis, C. Di Franco, G. Frusconi, L. Haeberle, P. Larizza, M. T. Mancini, R. Österbacka, W. Reeves, G. Scamarcio, C. Scandurra, M. Wheeler, E. Cantatore, I. Esposito, E. Macchia, F. Torricelli, F. A. Viola, L. Torsi, A Single-Molecule Bioelectronic Portable Array for Early Diagnosis of Pancreatic Cancer Precursors, Advanced Materials (IF = 32.086), 2023, 2304102, DOI: 10.1002/adma.202304102
  2. Sarcina, L.; Macchia, E; Loconsole, G.; D’Attoma, G.; Bollella, P.; Catacchio M.; Leonetti, F.; Di Franco, C.; Elicio, V.; Scamarcio, G.; Palazzo, G.; Boscia, D.; Saldarelli, S.; Torsi, L.,  Fast and Reliable Electronic Assay of a Xylella fastidiosa Single Bacterium in Infected Plants Sap. Advanced Science (IF= 17.521) 2022, 2203900 DOI:10.1002/advs.202203900
  3. Macchia, E; Torricelli, F.; Bollella, P.; Sarcina, L.; Tricase, A.; Di Franco, C.; Österbacka, R.; Kovács-Vajna, Z.M.; Scamarcio, G.; Torsi, L.; Large-Area Interfaces for Single-Molecule Label-free Bioelectronic Detection. Chemical Reviews (IF= 72.087) 2022,122, 4, 4636 DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.1c00290
  4. Macchia, E., De Caro, L., Torricelli, F., Di Franco, C., Mangiatordi, G.F., Scamarcio, G., Torsi, L., Why a diffusing single-molecule can be detected in few minutes by a large capturing bioelectronic interface. Advanced Science (IF= 17.521) 2022, 9,20, 210438; DOI:10.1002/advs.202104381
  5. Picca, M.R., Manoli, K., Macchia, E., Sarcina, L., Di Franco, C., Cioffi, N., Blasi, D., Österbacka, R., Torricelli, F., Scamarcio, G., Torsi, L., Ultimately sensitive organic bioelectronic transistor sensors by materials and device structures design. Advanced Functional Materials (IF=19.24) 2020, 30, art. No. 1904513, DOI:10.1002/adfm.201904513 
  6. Macchia, E., Manoli, K., Holzer, B., Di Franco, C., Ghittorelli, M., Torricelli, F., Alberga, D., Mangiatordi, G.F., Palazzo, G., Scamarcio, G., Torsi, L., Single molecule detection with a millimetre-sized transistor. Nature Communication (IF=17.694) 2018, 9, art. No. 3223, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-05235-z

Highlighted in Nature:

  1. Palazzo, G.; Magliulo, M.; Mallardi, A.; Angione, M.D.; Gobeljic, D.; Scamarcio, G.; Fratini, E.; Ridi, F.; Torsi, L.,  Electronic Transduction of Proton Translocations in Nanoassembled Lamellae of Bacteriorhodopsin, ACS-Nano (IF=18.027) 2014, 8, 7834-7845. DOI:10.1021/nn503135y
  2. Di Gaspare, E. A. A. Pogna, E. Riccardi, S. M. A. Sarfraz, G. Scamarcio, M. S. Vitiello, All in One‐Chip, Electrolyte‐Gated Graphene Amplitude Modulator, Saturable Absorber Mirror and Metrological Frequency‐Tuner in the 2–5 THz Range, Advanced Optical Materials (IF: 10.05) 22, 2200819 (2022). DOI:10.1002/adom.202200819
  3. A. A. Pogna, L. Viti, A. Politano, M. Brambilla, G. Scamarcio, M. S. Vitiello, Mapping propagation of collective modes in Bi2Se3 and Bi2Te2.2Se0.8 topological insulators by near-field terahertz nanoscopy, Nature Communications (IF: 17.694) 12, 6672 (2021).
  4. Maria C Giordano, Stefan Mastel, Clemens Liewald, Lorenzo L Columbo, Massimo Brambilla, Leonardo Viti, Antonio Politano, Kai Zhang, Lianhe Li, A Giles Davies, Edmund H Linfield, Rainer Hillenbrand, Fritz Keilmann, Gaetano Scamarcio, Miriam S Vitiello, Phase-resolved terahertz self-detection near-field microscopy, Optics Express 26, 18423-18435 (2018) (citations: 80)
  5. Pietro Patimisco, Gaetano Scamarcio, Frank K Tittel, Vincenzo Spagnolo, Quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy: a review, Sensors 14, 6165-6206 (2014) (citations: 415),
  6. S Borri, P Patimisco, A Sampaolo, HE Beere, DA Ritchie, MS Vitiello, G Scamarcio, V Spagnolo, Terahertz quartz enhanced photo-acoustic sensor, Phys. Lett. 103, 021105 (2013) (citations: 128, cover)
  7. FP Mezzapesa, LL Columbo, M Brambilla, M Dabbicco, S Borri, MS Vitiello, HE Beere, DA Ritchie, G Scamarcio, Intrinsic stability of quantum cascade lasers against optical feedback, Optics Express 21, 13748-13757 (2013) (citations: 128)
  8. Gaetano Scamarcio, Federico Capasso, Carlo Sirtori, Jerome Faist, Albert L Hutchinson, Deborah L Sivco, Alfred Y Cho, High-power infrared (8-micrometer wavelength) superlattice lasers, Science (IF: 56.9) 276, 773-776 (1997)
  9. Gaetano Scamarcio, Mario Lugará, Daniela Manno, Size-dependent lattice contraction in CdS1− xSex nanocrystals embedded in glass observed by Raman scattering, Rev. B45, 13792 (1992) (citations: 172)
  10. Gaetano Scamarcio, V Spagnolo, Gennaro Ventruti, M Lugará, GC Righini, Size dependence of electron—LO-phonon coupling in semiconductor nanocrystals, Rev. B53, R10489 (1996) (citations: 167)
  11. Miriam S Vitiello, Gaetano Scamarcio, Vincenzo Spagnolo, Benjamin S Williams, Sushil Kumar, Qing Hu, John L Reno, Measurement of subband electronic temperatures and population inversion in THz quantum-cascade lasers, Phys. Lett. 86, 111115 (2005) (citations: 147)
  12. G Scamarcio, M Haines, G Abstreiter, Elisa Molinari, S Baroni, A Fischer, K Ploog, Micro-Raman scattering in ultrathin-layer superlattices: Evidence of zone-center anisotropy of optical phonons, Rev. B47, 1483 (1993) (citations: 42)
  13. Gaetano Scamarcio, L Tapfer, W König, A Fischer, K Ploog, Elisa Molinari, S Baroni, P Giannozzi, S De Gironcoli, Infrared reflectivity by transverse-optical phonons in (GaAs/(AlAs ultrathin-layer superlattices, Rev. B43, 14754 (1991) (citations: 41)
  14. A Cingolani, M Ferrara, M Lugara, G Scamarcio, First order Raman scattering in GaN, Solid State Commun. 58, 823-824 (1986) (citations: 108)




Patents pending:

  1. Torricelli, L. Torsi, G. Scamarcio, Z. M. Kovács-Vajna, A clustered FET biosensor system for biological assay, PCT/IB2019/061345, filed on 24/02/2019.
  2. Torsi, G. Scamarcio, E. Macchia, K. Manoli, G. Palazzo, N. Cioffi, R. Picca, A field effect transistor sensor and a corresponding array device, PCT/IB2018/050491, filed on 26/01/2018.
  3. Torsi, G. Palazzo, G. Scamarcio, A field-effect transistor sensor, PCT/IB2018/053611, filed on 22/06/2017.
  4. Torsi, G. Palazzo, G. Scamarcio, Method of functionalization of a gate electrode of a field-effect transistor sensor, PCT/IB2017/058065, filed on 18/12/2017.


Patents granted:

  1. Torsi L., Palazzo G., Scamarcio, G., FET sensor e.g. biosensor for detecting biomarkers at the earliest possible stage of disease, has gate electrode that is functionalized with biological recognition elements layer patterned into several uncoupled domains. Patent Number(s): EP3418729-A1 WO2018234905-A1, 2018.
  2. Luisa Torsi, Gerardo Palazzo, Nicola Cioffi, Maria Daniela Angione, Maria Magliulo, Serafina Cotrone, Gaetano Scamarcio, Luigia Sabbatini, Antonia Malllardi, Method to realize electronic field-effect transistor sensors, US, Application number 14/355,100 (2011).
  3. Angione, M. D.; Cioffi, N.; Magliulo, M.; Palazzo, G.; Torsi, L.; Cotrone, S.; Scamarcio, G.; Sabbatini, L.; Mallardi, A. Transistor e.g. FET, useful in sensor, comprises a conductive layer, a dielectric layer, and a semiconducting film that is deposited on top of receptor molecule layer previously deposited or covalently linked to surface of gate dielectric. Patent Number: WO2013065073-A1; WO2013065073-A8; US2014312879-A1
  4. Maurizio Dabbicco, Gaetano Scamarcio, Simona Ottonelli, Angela Intermite, Branimir Radisavljevic, System for optical fiber strain measure, US, Patent number 8234081, Application number 12/563,920 (2012).
  5. Federico Capasso, Alfred Yi Cho, Albert Lee Hutchinson, Gaetano Scamarcio, Deborah Lee Sivco, Mariano Troccoli, Quantum cascade laser with relaxation-stabilized injection, US, patent number 6690699 (2004).
  6. Federico Capasso, Alfred Yi Cho, Jerome Faist, Albert Lee Hutchinson, Gaetano Scamarcio, Carlo Sirtori, Deborah Lee Sivco, , Deborah Lee Sivco, Quantum cascade laser, US, Patent number 5936989, Application number, 08/841,059, (1999).
  7. Federico Capasso, Alfred Yi Cho, Jerome Faist, Albert Lee Hutchinson, Gaetano Scamarcio, Carlo Sirtori, Deborah Lee Sivco, , Deborah Lee Sivco, Article comprising a unipolar super-lattice laser, US, Patent number 5745516, Application number 08/744,292 (1998).



2024                Rotary Alumni Global Service Award 

2023                Lifetime Achievement Award of the Municipality of Bari

1995 - 1996     NATO-CNR Advanced Fellowship

1989                Award of the Italian Physical Society “Premio di Operosità Scientifica”

1985                Firestone Prize




2020-              Member of the Board of Experts for the Italian National Research Programme (PNR 2021-2027). The PNR is the document that guides research policies in Italy, identifies priorities, objectives and actions aimed at supporting the coherence, efficiency and effectiveness of the national research system. Gaetano Scamarcio has been selected to contribute to the conception and writing of the roadmap on Quantum Technologies within the Area 4 - Digitalization, Industry and Aerospace.


2019-2020      Member of the Consulting and Coordination Group of the Department of Higher Education and Research of the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MIUR) for the new national research programme (PNR) for proposals and strategies and for Horizon Europe 2021-2027.


2012-2014      Member of the administrative board of the Italian National Technological Cluster “Factory of the future”, a recognized association with the aim of implementing a strategy and a roadmap based on research and innovation for the competitiveness of Italian manufacturing. It is the only table at which all stakeholders involved in the fate of Italian industry sit simultaneously: companies, business associations, regions, universities and research institutions.


2011-2014      President of the Apulian Technological District on Mechatronics, MEDIS, focusing on research, development, technology transfer, innovation and training in support of multidisciplinary mechatronics technologies for institutional and industrial partners. Within his role, Gaetano Scamarcio was responsible of the principal actuator MEDIS for the following large projects of the national operational plan MIUR-PON02: 

- “Mechatronic security system for applications to railways, aero-space and       robotics - MASSIME”, 14.2 M€.

- “Mini-invasive systems for advanced diagnosis and radio-therapy - AMIDERHA”, 13.3 M€.

- “Innovative technologies for the reduction of emission, fuel consumption and cost of heavy-duty engines - INNOVHEAD”, 6.2 M€.


2007-2011      Member of the administrative board of the Apulian Technological District on Mechatronics, MEDIS, nominated since the creation of the technological district on 25/10/2007. Gaetano Scamarcio has been a member of the steering committee for the creation of MEDIS since 2005, on appointment of the leading partner University of Bari Aldo Moro.


2005-2019      Head of the Bari unit of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) - Institute of Photonics and Nanotechnologies, formerly director of the INFM-Regional Lab “Laser Innovation Technology Transfer  and Training” (LIT3) of the National Institute for the Physics of the Matter.


2004-2008      Member of the Scientific Board of the Scientific and Technological Park Tecnopolis CSATA s.c.r.l.-, Valenzano (Bari), aiming to guide the mission of the park, that during the period of the assignment, was focused on the development of the local economic system in Puglia and Southern Italy through the strategic use of innovation.


2002-2005      Member of the Scientific Board of Centro Laser s.c.r.l.-, Valenzano (Bari). The center aimed at promoting industrial research and applications of laser, optical, electronic, mechanical, plasma and material processing technologies. The members of the Scientific Board were appointed by the Members' Assembly from among the most representative Italian and foreign experts in the scientific sectors of interest.



The projects awarded to Prof. Scamarcio and the consortia he often coordinates, have gathered almost 40 M€ in the last 25 years, and include several European, national, regional and industrial contracts as detailed in the following:

On-going projects:

2023 -             NRRP – National Recovery and Resilience Plan - Enlarged Partnership M4C2 - NextGenerationEU Investment 1.3, Call n. 341 15-03-2022 of the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR) - Foundation RESTART: RESearch and innovation on future Telecommunications systems and networks, to make Italy more smart. Spoke 3. Within the Structural project S5 MINDS DREAM, Prof. Scamarcio is WP leader of the  WP5 – “Comparison of the solutions developed for the selected scenarios”. Within the Focused project F8 T-NEXT ”Terahertz frequency devices for NEXT generation optical communications”, Prof. Scamarcio is WP leader of the WP3 – “Modulators” and the funding is 0.12 M€.


2023 -             The Physics Department of the University of Bari has gained the qualification of Excellent Department from the National Agency ANVUR for the project “Quantum Sensing and Modeling for One-Health" (QuaSiModO). The total funding for the period 2023-2027 is 8 M€. Prof. Scamarcio is WP leader of the WP1.1 “Single molecule devices for biomarker detection” and the funding is 0.3 M€.


2022 -             NRRP – National Recovery and Resilience Plan - Enlarged Partnership M4C2 - NextGenerationEU Investment 1.3, Call n. 341 15-03-2022 of the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR) – National Quantum Science and Technology Institute (NQSTI). Spoke 7. Prof. Scamarcio is principal investigator for the activity A7.2 “Point Sensing Systems” and the funding is 0.24 M€.


2022 -             “INNOVA - Italian network of excellence for advanced diagnosis” - code PNC-E3-2022-23683266 PNC-HLS-DA” - Funded by the European Union Next Generation EU, Ministry of Health Directorate General for Research and Innovation in healthcare, Call section: LSH-DA - HUB Institution: FOUNDATION IRCCS Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico. The University of Bari is Spoke level 2. The total funding is 86 M€ while the funding to UNIBA is 2.812 M€. Prof. Scamarcio is the the Scientific Referent at the Physics Department of the University of Bari.


2022 -             "1LIVEXYLELLA - Portable technologies and innovative protocols for the ultra-sensitive diagnosis of Xylella fastidiosa directly in plants and vectors" funded by the Ministry of Agriculture - MIPAAF D.M. n.419161 of 09/13/2022 – Prof. Scamarcio is the principal investigator at the Physics Department of the University of Bari and the funding is 0.976 M€.


2021 -             Single-Molecule - Innovation Center in Single-Molecule Digital Assay - Agreement between the Apulia Region and the University of Bari Aldo Moro for the implementation of the intervention "enabling technologies for the ultra-sensitive analysis of pathogens and markers - diffusion of knowledge in the Apulian territory and creation of research and technological development chains”, art. 14 of law r. no. 51 of 30 December 2021 (cup b93c22000840001) – Prof. Scamarcio is the principal investigator at the Physics Department of the University of Bari. Grant 2.0 M€.


2021 -             “NoOne - A binary sensor with single-molecule digit to discriminate biofluids en-closing zero or at least one biomarker" - Call: ERC-2021-STG. Type of action: HORIZON ERC Grants Granting authority: European Research Council Executive Agency – Grant awarded to Dr. Macchia is 2.5 M€. Prof. Scamarcio is the principal investigator at the Physics Department of the University of Bari.  


2021-              National project MIUR PON “QUANCOM - Development of systems and technologies quantum technologies for cybersecurity in communication networks” (ARS01_00734). Prof. Scamarcio is responsible for the activities carried out by the partner CNR-IFN at the research unit of Bari and the funding is 0.1 M.


Completed projects

2019-2022      European project “SiMBiT - Single-molecule bioelectronic smart system array for clinical testing” – Research and Innovation Action - 824946 - H2020-ICT-2018-2020/H2020-ICT-2018-2. – Prof. Scamarcio is responsible for the activities of the partner CSGI, carried out at the Physics Department of the University of Bari.

2020-2022      “BioSCREEN - Bioelectronic devices with detection limit of a single molecule for rapid reliable and low-cost screening of symptomatic and asymptomatic subjects to COVID-19" funded by Regione Lombardia - Regional Operative Program POR FESR 2014-2020, involving University of Brescia, University of Bari and the industrial partner INTERSAIL. (POR FESR 2014-2020, ID number 1831459, CUP E81B20000320007) total budget 0.386 M€. Prof. Scamarcio is PI responsible for the activities carried out at the Physics Department of the University of Bari.

2018 - 2020    European Graphene Flagship, Project “GRAPHENE CORE 2" Call H2020-Adhoc-2014-20 - Special Grant Agreement nr. 785219. Prof. Scamarcio is the principal investigator of the WP8, Subtask 8.3.6 – “Integration of graphene based modulators and GSAs into THz quantum cascade lasers” and the funding is 0.057 M€.

2019-2022      National project MIUR PON “PMGB: Development of mechatronic, genomic and bioinformatic platforms for precision oncology” (ARS01_01195) – Prof. Scamarcio is principal investigator and responsible for the activities carried out at the Physics Department of the University of Bari. The funding is 0.15 M€.


2019-2022      National project MIUR PON “IDF SHARID - Innovative Devices For SHAping the RIsk of Diabetes” (ARS01_01270) – Prof. Scamarcio is principal investigator and responsible for the activities carried out at the Physics Department of the University of Bari. The funding is 0.1 M€.


2019-2022      National project MIUR PON “e-DESIGN: Combination of Design, Electronics and Multifunctional Materials for New Aesthetic Components” (ARS01_01158) – Prof. Scamarcio is principal investigator and responsible for the activities carried out at the Physics Department of the University of Bari. The funding is 0.1 M€.


2010 – 2014    Strategic Lab “Development and characterization of electronic and optoelectronic devices based on quantum technologies” - Prof. Scamarcio is principal investigator of the Lab leading a research unit and the funding is 1.2 M€. The Lab is in the framework of the National Structural Reinforcement Project “LAB SISTEMA - Laboratory for the Integrated Development of Science and Technology of Advanced Materials and for Innovative Devices" Italian MIUR ministry project PON Research and Competitiveness 2007-2013 - Support for structural change-enhancement of structures and scientific and technological equipment-structural strengthening.


2009–2013     MEF-MIUR-Apulia Region Strategic Project PS_046 “Study and development of innovative polymeric materials for applications to corneal laser surgery” - Prof. Scamarcio is the project coordinator and the funding is 1.1 M€.


2009-2011      MEF-MIUR-Apulia Region APQ for the Mechatronic District MEDIS - DM01 “Sensors and laser micro-machining for automotive and manufacturing applications” - Prof. Scamarcio is the project coordinator and the funding is 1.5 M€.


2006–2007     Industrial grant funded by Sintesi Scpa on the “Development of an opto-electronic sensor based on the self-mixing effect” - Prof. Scamarcio is the project coordinator and the funding is 0.3 M€.


2004-2007      National project D.L. 297/99 FIBLAS “Development and applications of fiber optic lasers” – Prof. Scamarcio is the PI of the CNR-INFM partner and the budget is 1.2 M€.


2004-2006      European Project 6FP-STRP “Artificial Nanomaterials for Short Wavelength Emission in the infra-Red” (ANSWER) – Prof. Scamarcio is the principal investigator of the CNR-INFM partner and the funding is 0.124 M€.


2003-2004      National project MIUR-FIRB “Theoretical and experimental study of quantum cascade lasers” - Prof. Scamarcio is the project coordinator and the funding is 0.3 M€.


2003-2004      European project “Far-IR generation”, funded by the European Space Agency (ESA-ESTEC) – Prof. Scamarcio is the principal investigator of the WP 61 “Quantum cascade laser material growth and sample preparation” and the funding is 0.1 M€.


2003-2004      European project “Integrated-Optics Laser Gyro Technologies”, funded by the European Space Agency (ESA-ESTEC) – Prof. Scamarcio is the principal investigator of the WP 420 “Characterization and testing” and the funding is 0.1 M€.


2000-2003      National project cluster 26 “Innovative Materials”, MURST-INFM. Prof. Scamarcio is the principal investigator of the WP 5BW2 -“Quantum cascade lasers for trace gas monitoring” and the funding is 0.8 M€.


1998-2001      Advanced Research Project of the National Institute for the Physics of the Matter, INFM PRA98-SUPERLAS “Long wavelength superlattice infrared lasers”. Prof. Scamarcio is the project coordinator and the funding is 0.5 M€.


1997-1998      Integrated project of the National Research Council - CNR “Laser emission in the mid-IR in transition metal doped semi-conductors”. Prof. Scamarcio is the Project coordinator and the funding is 0.12 M€.



2021                co-chair of the Applied Physics, Accelerators and Cultural Heritage Section of the 107th National Congress of the Italian Physical Society

2018                co-chair of the International Workshop on “Frontiers of photonics, plasmonics and electronics with 2D nanosystems”, Erice, Italy

2016                co-chair of the International Workshop on "Terahertz Science, Nanotechnologies and Ap-plications", Erice, Italy

2014                chair of the Applied Physics Section of the 100th National Congress of the Italian Physical Society

2011                co-chair of 11th International Conference on Intersubband Transitions in Quantum Wells

2006                co-chair of the 2nd International Workshop on Quantum Cascade Lasers

2002                director of the International School of INFM "Progress in laser sources and photonic de-vices"



2010-2018       Coordinator of the Doctoral Degree Course in Physics, University of Bari

1999-2002       Coordinator of the University Diploma in Material Science, University of Bari


MAIN TEACHING ACTIVITY (last five years)

Each academic year prof. Scamarcio has carried out no less than 350 hours of overall teaching activity, of which at least 120 hours of frontal teaching activity; the specific courses held in the last 5 years are listed the following:

- Condensed Matter Physics for the master degree course in Physics (6 academic credits, CFU)

- Optoelectronic s and Nanotechnologies for the master degree course in Physics (6 CFU)

-  Structure of the Matter for the bachelor's degree course in Physics (7 CFU)




2018-              Member of the Editorial Board of the Institute of Physics journal “Journal of Physics–Photonics”

2018-              Member of the Editorial Board (chemical section board) of the Multidisciplinary Digital          Publishing Institute (MDPI) journal “Sensors”

2018                Nominator for 2018 Nobel Prize in Physics

2015                Nominator for 2015 Nobel Prize in Physics

2021-2023       Evaluation Panel member / European Commission – Horizon EIC, Pathfinder

2009-19           Evaluation Panel member / European Commission – FET-Open projects.

2014-16           Evaluation Panel member / European Commission – H2020 - INFRAIA projects

2010-14           Evaluation Panel member / Agence Nationale de la Recherche

2006                Evaluation Panel member / Science Foundation of Ireland

2005-              Evaluation expert / Italian Ministry of Research (MIUR) and Italian Ministry of productive activities (MAP, MEF)



(Overall more than 80 invitations to give lectures worldwide)



1986-1987       completed as officer (lieutenant) of the technical corps of the Italian army



pubblicato il 28/06/2017 ultima modifica 12/06/2024

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