
Pubblicazioni degli untimi tre anni
mpact of dietary supra-nutritional levels of vitamins a and e on fertility traits of broiler breeder hens in late production phase
Open Access
Yaripour, M., Seidavi, A., Dadashbeiki, M., (...), Ragni, M., Payan-Carreira, R. 2018 Agriculture (Switzerland)
8(10),, 149;
Practical applications of agricultural wastes in poultry feeding in Mediterranean and Middle East regions. Part 1: Citrus, grape, pomegranate and apple wastes Azizi, M., Seidavi, A.R., Ragni, M., Laudadio, V., Tufarelli, V. 2018 World's Poultry Science Journal
74(3), pp. 489-498
Practical applications of agricultural wastes in poultry feeding in Mediterranean an Middle East regions. Part 2: Tomato, olive, date, sunflower wastes Seidavi, A.R., Azizi, M., Ragni, M., Laudadio, V., Tufarelli, V. 2018 World's Poultry Science Journal
74(3), pp. 443-452
Dietary supplementation with oregano and linseed in garganica suckling kids: Effects on growth performances and meat quality
Open Access
Rotondi, P., Colonna, M.A., Marsico, G., (...), Ragni, M., Facciolongo, A.M. 2018 Pakistan Journal of Zoology
50(4), pp. 1421-1433
Effect of dietary ginger (Zingiber officinale roscoe) and multi-strain probiotic on growth and carcass traits, blood biochemistry, immune responses and intestinal microflora in broiler chickens
Open Access
Qorbanpour, M., Fahim, T., Javandel, F., (...), Laudadio, V., Tufarelli, V. 2018 Animals
The efficacy of high-protein tropical forages as alternative protein sourcesfor chickens: A review
Open Access
Abdelnour, S.A., Abd El-Hack, M.E., Ragni, M. 2018 Agriculture (Switzerland)
Feeding forage in poultry: A promising alternative for the future of production systems
Open Access
Tufarelli, V., Ragni, M., Laudadio, V. 2018 Agriculture (Switzerland)
Effects of protein sources on performance, carcass composition, blood parameters and meat quality in Charolais heifers Ragni, M., Colonna, M.A., Lestingi, A., (...), Marsico, G., Facciolongo, A.M. 2018 South African Journal of Animal Sciences
48(4), pp. 683-694
The use of peas and sweet lupin seeds alone or in association for fattening lambs: Effects on performance, blood parameters and meat quality Lestingi, A., Facciolongo, A.M., Jambrenghi, A.C., Ragni, M., Toteda, F. 2016 Small Ruminant Research
143, pp. 15-23
Use of alternative protein sources for finishing lambs. 2. Effects on chemical and physical characteristics and fatty acid composition of meat Facciolongo, A.M., De Marzo, D., Ragni, M., Lestingi, A., Toteda, F. 2015 Progress in Nutrition
17(2), pp. 165-173
Effect of dietary safflower cake (Carthamus tinctorius L.) on growth performances, carcass composition and meat quality traits in Garganica breed kids Ragni, M., Tufarelli, V., Pinto, F., (...), Vicenti, A., Colonna, M.A. 2015 Pakistan Journal of Zoology
47(1), pp. 193-199
pubblicato il 02/09/2013 ultima modifica 14/11/2018

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