
Articoli in rivista

C. Ardito, P. Buono, M.F. Costabile, R. Lanzilotti, Piccinno A, L. Zhu (in stampa). On the transferability of a meta-design model supporting End-User Development. UNIVERSAL ACCESS IN THE INFORMATION SOCIETY, ISSN: 1615-5289, doi: 10.1007/s10209-013-0339-7

Ardito C., Costabile M.F., Desolda G., Lanzilotti R., Matera M., Piccinno A, Picozzi M. (in stampa). User-Driven Visual Composition of Service-Based Interactive Spaces. JOURNAL OF VISUAL LANGUAGES AND COMPUTING, ISSN: 1045-926X, doi:

Ardito C., Buono P., Costabile M. F., Lanzilotti R., Piccinno A (2012). End users as co-designers of their own tools and products. JOURNAL OF VISUAL LANGUAGES AND COMPUTING, vol. 23, p. 78-90, ISSN: 1045-926X, doi: 10.1016/j.jvlc.2011.11.005

ARDITO C, BUONO P, COSTABILE M. F, LANZILOTTI R, PICCINNO A (2009). Enabling interactive exploration of cultural heritage: an experience of designing systems for mobile devices. KNOWLEDGE, TECHNOLOGY, & POLICY, vol. 22(1), March 2009, p. 79-86, ISSN: 1946-4789, doi: 10.1007/s12130-009-9079-7

COSTABILE M. F, FOGLI D, MARCANTE A, MUSSIO A, PARASILITI PROVENZA L, PICCINNO A (2008). Designing Customized and Tailorable Visual Interactive Systems. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING, vol. 18, p. 305-325, ISSN: 0218-1940, doi: 10.1142/S0218194008003702

ARDITO C, BUONO P, COSTABILE M.F, LANZILOTTI R, PEDERSON T, PICCINNO A (2008). Experiencing the Past through the Senses: An M-Learning Game at Archaeological Parks. IEEE MULTIMEDIA, vol. 15(4), p. 76-81, ISSN: 1070-986X, doi: 10.1109/MMUL.2008.87

COSTABILE M. F, FOGLI D, MUSSIO P, PICCINNO A (2007). Visual Interactive Systems for End-User Development: a Model-based Design Methodology. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS MAN AND CYBERNETICS PART A-SYSTEMS AND HUMANS, vol. 37(6), p. 1029-1046, ISSN: 1083-4427, doi: 10.1109/TSMCA.2007.904776

COSTABILE M. F, FOGLI D, LANZILOTTI R, MUSSIO P, PICCINNO A (2006). Supporting Work Practice Through End-User Development Environments. JOURNAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL AND END USER COMPUTING, vol. 18, p. 43-65, ISSN: 1546-2234

FOGLI D, PICCINNO A (2005). Environments to support context and emotion aware visual interaction. JOURNAL OF VISUAL LANGUAGES AND COMPUTING, vol. 16, p. 386-405, ISSN: 1045-926X, doi: 10.1016/j.jvlc.2004.12.002

COSTABILE M. F, FOGLI D, FRESTA G, MUSSIO P, PICCINNO A (2004). Software Environments for End-User Development and Tailoring. PSYCHNOLOGY, vol. 2(1), p. 99-122, ISSN: 1720-7525

Contributi in volume

F. Cabitza, D. Fogli, Piccinno A (in stampa). “Each to His Own”: Distinguishing Activities, Roles and Artifacts in EUD Practices. In: (a cura di): L. Caporarello, B. Di Martino, M. Martinez , Smart organizations need smart artifacts: fostering interactions between people, technologies, and processes. LECTURE NOTES IN INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND ORGANISATION, BERLIN:Springer, ISSN: 2195-4968

Fogli D, Piccinno A (2013). Co-evolution of End-User Developers and Systems in Multi-tiered Proxy Design Problems. In: (a cura di): Dittrich Y., Burnett M., Mørch A., Redmiles D., End-User Development. LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, vol. 7897, p. 153-168, BERLIN, HEIDELBERG:Springer, ISBN: 978-3-642-38705-0, ISSN: 0302-9743, doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-38706-7_12

Díez D., Mørch A., Piccinno A, Valtolina S. (2013). Cultures of Participation in the Digital Age: Empowering End Users to Improve Their Quality of Life. In: (a cura di): Dittrich Y., Burnett M., Mørch A., Redmiles D., End-User Development. LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, vol. 7897, p. 304-309, BERLIN, HEIDELBERG:Springer, ISBN: 978-3-642-38705-0, ISSN: 0302-9743, doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-38706-7_31

Fogli D, Piccinno A (2013). Enabling Domain Experts to Develop Usable Software Artifacts. In: (a cura di): Spagnoletti, P., Organizational Change and Information Systems. LECTURE NOTES IN INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND ORGANISATION, vol. 2, p. 419-428, HEIDELBERG:SPRINGER, ISBN: 978-3-642-37227-8, ISSN: 2195-4968, doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-37228-5_41

Ardito C., Bottoni P., Costabile M.F., Desolda G., Matera M., Piccinno A, Picozzi M. (2013). Enabling End Users to Create, Annotate and Share Personal Information Spaces. In: (a cura di): Dittrich Y., Burnett M., Mørch A., Redmiles D., End-User Development. LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, vol. 7897, p. 40-55, BERLIN, HEIDELBERG:Springer, ISBN: 978-3-642-38705-0, ISSN: 0302-9743, doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-38706-7_5

PICCINNO A, FOGLI D (2012). Representing Visual Aspects of Web Services. In: M. DE MARCO, D. TEENI, V. ALBANO, S. ZA. Information Systems: Crossroads for Organization, Management, Accounting and Engineering. p. 189-197, HEIDELBERG:Springer Physica-Verlag, ISBN: 978-3-7908-2789-7, doi: 10.1007/978-3-7908-2789-7_22

ARDITO C, BARRICELLI B.R, BUONO P, COSTABILE M. F, PICCINNO A, VALTOLINA S, ZHU L (2011). An Ontology-Based Approach to Product Customization. In: (a cura di): COSTABILE M.F., DITTRICH Y., FISCHER G., PICCINNO A., End-User Development. LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, vol. 6654, p. 92-106, HEIDELBERG:SPRINGER, ISBN: 978-3-642-21529-2, ISSN: 0302-9743, doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-21530-8_9

BARRICELLI B.R, MUSSIO P, PADULA M, PICCINNO A, SCALA P.L, VALTOLINA S (2011). Interactive Task Management System Development Based on Semantic Orchestration of Web Service. In: D'ATRI A., FERRARA M., GEORGE J. F., SPAGNOLETTI P.. Information Technology and Innovation trends in Organizations. p. 237-244, Heidelberg:Physica-Verlag, ISBN: 978-3-7908-2631-9, doi: 10.1007/978-3-7908-2632-6_27

ARDITO C, BARRICELLI B.R, BUONO P, COSTABILE M. F, PICCINNO A, VALTOLINA S, ZHU L (2011). Visual Mediation Mechanisms for Collaborative Design and Development. In: (a cura di): C. STEPHANIDIS, Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Design for All and eInclusion. LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, vol. 6765, p. 3-11, HEIDELBERG:SPRINGER, ISBN: 978-3-642-21671-8, ISSN: 0302-9743, doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-21672-5_1

PARASILITI PROVENZA L, PICCINNO A (2010). Designing Flexible User Interfaces. In: D'ATRI A., SACCA' D.. Information Systems: People, Organizations, Institutions, and Technologies. p. 539-547, Heidelberg:Physica-Verlag, ISBN: 978-3-7908-2147-5, doi: 10.1007/978-3-7908-2148-2

COSTABILE M. F, MUSSIO P, PARASILITI PROVENZA L, PICCINNO A (2009). Supporting End Users to Be Co-designers of Their Tools. In: (a cura di): PIPEK V., ROSSON M.B., DE RUYTER B.,WULF V., End-User Development. LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, vol. 5435, p. 70-85, BERLIN, HEIDELBERG:Springer, ISBN: 978-3-642-00425-4, ISSN: 0302-9743, doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-00427-8

COSTABILE M. F, FOGLI D, LANZILOTTI R, MUSSIO P, PARASILITI PROVENZA L, PICCINNO A (2008). Advancing End-User Development Through Meta-Design. In: (a cura di): CLARKE S., END USER COMPUTING CHALLENGES AND TECHNOLOGIES: EMERGING TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS. p. 143-167, HERSHEY PA:IGI Global, ISBN: 9781599042954, doi: 10.4018/978-1-59904-295-4.ch009

COSTABILE M. F, FOGLI D, LANZILOTTI R, MUSSIO P, PICCINNO A (2008). Supporting Work Practice Through End-User Development Environments. In: (a cura di): S. CLARKE, END-USER COMPUTING: CONCEPTS, METHODOLOGIES, TOOLS, AND APPLICATIONS. p. 1823-1842, HERSHEY PA:IGI Global, ISBN: 978-1-59904-945-8, doi: 10.4018/978-1-59904-945-8.ch125

FISCHER G, PICCINNO A, YE Y (2008). The Ecology of Participants in Co-evolving Socio-technical Environments. In: FORBRIG PETER,PATERN FABIO. Engineering Interactive Systems. vol. LNCS 5247, p. 279-286, BERLIN, HEIDELBERG:Springer, ISBN: 978-3-540-85991-8, doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-85992-5

COSTABILE M. F, FOGLI D, LANZILOTTI R, MARCANTE A, MUSSIO P, PARASILITI PROVENZA L, PICCINNO A (2007). Meta-design to Face Co-evolution and Communication Gaps Between Users and Designers. In: (a cura di): C. Stephanidis, Universal Access in Human Computer Interaction. Coping with Diversity. LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, vol. 4554, p. 46-55, BERLIN:Springer, ISBN: 978-3-540-73278-5, ISSN: 0302-9743, doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-73279-2_6

FOGLI D, MARCANTE A, MUSSIO P, PARASILITI PROVENZA L, PICCINNO A (2007). Multi-Facet Design of Interactive Systems through Visual Languages. In: FERRI F. Visual Languages for Interactive Computing: Definitions and Formalizations. p. 174-204, Hershey (PA - USA):Information Science Reference, ISBN: 978-1-59904-534-4

COSTABILE M. F, FOGLI D, MUSSIO P, PICCINNO A (2006). End-User Development: the Software Shaping Workshop Approach. In: (a cura di): H.LIEBERMAN, F.PATERNO', V.WULF, End User Development. p. 183-205, DORDRECHT:Springer, ISBN: 978-1-4020-5309-2, doi: 10.1007/1-4020-5386-X_9

COSTABILE M. F, FOGLI D, MARCANTE A, MUSSIO P, PICCINNO A (2006). Interactive Environments Supporting User and System Co-Evolution. In: Hochberger & R. Liskowsky (Eds.) LNI. vol. P-93, p. 588-591, BONN:Köllen Druck+Verlag GmbH, ISBN: 978-3-88579-187-4

COSTABILE M. F, FOGLI D, FRESTA G, MUSSIO P, PICCINNO A (2003). Computer Environments for Improving End-User Accessibility. In: (a cura di): N. CARBONELL C. STEPHANIDIS, Universal Access: Theoretical Perspectives, Practice and Experience. LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, vol. 2615, p. 129-140, BERLIN, HEIDELBERG:Springer, ISBN: 978-3-540-00855-2, ISSN: 0302-9743, doi: 10.1007/3-540-36572-9_10

BUONO P, COSTABILE M. F, GUIDA S.P, PICCINNO A (2002). Integrating User Data and Collaborative Filtering in a Web Recommendation System. In: REICH, S., TZAGARAKIS, M.M., AND DEBRA, P.M.E.. Hypermedia: Openness, Structural Awareness, and Adaptivity. vol. LNCS 2266, p. 315-321, LONDON:SPRINGER-VERLAG, ISBN: 3-540-43293-0

Contributi in Atti di convegno

Ardito C., Costabile M.F., Desolda G., Lanzilotti R., Matera M., Piccinno A, Picozzi M. (in stampa). Personal Information Spaces in the Context of Visits to Archaeological Parks. In: 10th ACM SIGCHI Italian Chapter International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction: Building Social Innovation. 5, New York, NY (USA):ACM Press, ISBN: 978-1-4503-2061-0, Trento, 16-19 settembre 2013, doi: 10.1145/2499149.2499173

Ardito C., Costabile M.F., Desolda G., Matera M., Piccinno A, Picozzi M. (2012). Composition of Situational Interactive Spaces by End Users: a case for Cultural Heritage. In: (a cura di): Lone Malmborg, Thomas Pederson, Proc. of 7th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Making Sense Through Design (NordiCHI). p. 79-88, NEW YORK:ACM PRESS, ISBN: 978-1-4503-1482-4, Copenhagen, Denmark, 14-17 October, 2012, doi: 10.1145/2399016.2399029

ARDITO C, BUONO P, COSTABILE M. F, LANZILOTTI R, PICCINNO A, SIMEONE A. L (2010). Analysis of the UCD process of a web-based system. In: Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems. p. 180-185, SKOKIE:Knowledge Systems Institute, ISBN: 1-891706-28-4, Oak Brook, Illinois, USA, 14-16 October, 2010

MARENGO A, PICCINNO A, BELLIZZI C, PAGANO A (2010). From folksonomy to usability through tag cloud. In: Proceedings of the VII Conference of the Italian Chapter of AIS (ItAIS). Naples, Italy, October 8-9, ISBN: 978-88-6105-124-9

ARDITO C, COSTABILE M.F, LANZILOTTI R, PICCINNO A (2009). A tool for Wizard of Oz studies of multimodal mobile systems. In: HSI 2009. p. 344-347, IEEE Computer Society, ISBN: 978-1-4244-3960-7, Catania, Italy, May 21-23, 2009.

COSTABILE M.F, MUSSIO P, PICCINNO A, ARDITO C, BARRICELLI B.R, LANZILOTTI R (2009). End-User Development in the Medical Domain. In: 15th International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems (DMS). San Francisco Bay, CA, USA, September 10-12, 2009, p. 10-15, SKOKIE, IL:Knowledge Systems Institute Graduate School, ISBN: 1-891706-25-X

ARDITO C, BUONO P, COSTABILE M.F, LANZILOTTI R, PICCINNO A, SIMEONE A.L (2009). Exploring Archaeological Parks by Playing Games on Mobile Devices. In: CHItaly 2009. Roma, Italy, June 17-19, 2009, p. 81-85, ISBN: 978-88-88044-14-9

ARDITO C, LANZILOTTI R, MUSSIO P, PARASILITI PROVENZA L, PICCINNO A (2009). Redefining the Roles of Users and Designers in Interactive System Lifecycle. In: ItAIS 2009. Costa Smeralda, Italy, October 2-3, 2009, ISBN: 978-88-6105-060-0

COSTABILE M. F, MUSSIO P, PARASILITI PROVENZA L, PICCINNO A (2008). Advanced Visual Systems Supporting Unwitting EUD. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Visual Interface 2008. p. 313-316, NEW YORK:ACM PRESS, ISBN: 978-1-60558-141-5, Naple, Italy, May 28-30, doi: 10.1145/1385569.1385621

COSTABILE M. F, MUSSIO P, PARASILITI PROVENZA L, PICCINNO A (2008). End Users as Unwitting Software Developers. In: Proceedings of the 4th international workshop on End-user software engineering (WEUSE '08). p. 6-10, New York, NY (USA):ACM Press, ISBN: 978-1-60558-034-0, LEIPZIG, GERMANY, MAY 12, doi: 10.1145/1370847.1370849

ARDITO C, BUONO P, LANZILOTTI R, PICCINNO A, CORALLO M, SEPE V (2008). Il Gioco-Escursione: una Tecnica di Apprendimento per Sistemi di M-Learning. In: DIDAMATICA 2008. Taranto, Italy, April 28-30, 2008, p. 562-571, BARI:Edizioni Giuseppe Laterza, ISBN: 978-88-8231-456-9

COSTABILE M. F, R. LANZILOTTI, A. MARCANTE, P. MUSSIO, L. PARASILITI PROVENZA, PICCINNO A (2007). Co-Evolution of Users and Interactive Systems in the Web. In: 13th International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems(DMS). p. 223-228, SKOKIE, IL:Knowledge Systems Institute Graduate School, ISBN: 1-891706-21-7, SAN FRANCISCO, CA, USA, SEPTEMBER 6-8

COSTABILE M. F, FOGLI D, MARCANTE A, MUSSIO P, PICCINNO A (2006). A Design Methodology for Tailorable Visual Interactive Systems. In: SEKE 2006 - The 18th International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering. San Francisco Bay, CA, USA, July 5-7, 2006, p. 450-455, SKOKIE, IL:Knowledge Systems Institute Graduate School, ISBN: 1-891706-18-7

ARDITO C, LANZILOTTI R, BUONO P, PICCINNO A (2006). A tool to support usability inspection. In: Working conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI). p. 278-281, New York:ACM, ISBN: 1-59593-353-0, Venezia, Italy, May 23-26, 2006, doi: 10.1145/1133265.1133322

COSTABILE M. F, FOGLI D, LANZILOTTI R, MUSSIO P, PICCINNO A (2006). Collaborating through Computers: the Software Shaping Workshop Approach. In: DMS 2006 - The 12th International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems. Gran Canyon, USA, August 30 - September 1, 2006, p. 147-152, SKOKIE, IL:Knowledge Systems Institute Graduate School, ISBN: 1-891706-19-5

BUONO P, ARDITO C, COSTABILE M. F, LANZILOTTI R, PICCINNO A (2006). DAE: a Visualization-Based System for Data Analysis. In: Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing . p. 147-150, Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society, ISBN: 978-0-7695-2586-0, Brighton, United Kingdom, September 4-8, 2006

COSTABILE M. F, FOGLI D, MUSSIO P, PARASILITI L, PICCINNO A (2006). Designing Non-Ambiguous and Viable Visual Interactive Systems. In: DMS 2006 - The 12th International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems. Gran Canyon, USA, August 30 - September 1, 2006, p. 137-140, ISBN: 1-891706-19-5

COSTABILE M. F, FOGLI D, MARCANTE A, PICCINNO A (2006). Supporting Interaction and Co-evolution of Users and Systems. In: AVI '06 Proceedings of the working conference on Advanced visual interfaces. p. 143-150, NEW YORK:ACM PRESS, ISBN: 1-59593-353-0, Venice, Italy, May 23-26, 2006, doi: 10.1145/1133265.1133294

PICCINNO A (2005). A Component-Based Approach to Support End-User Development. In: HCI International 2005. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, July 22-27, 2005, ISBN: 0-8058-5807-5

COSTABILE M. F, FOGLI D, MUSSIO P, PICCINNO A (2005). A meta-design approach to End-User Development. In: 2005 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing. p. 308-310, Los Alamitos, CA:IEEE Computer Society, ISBN: 0-7695-2443-5, Dallas, Texas, USA, September 20-24, 2005, doi: 10.1109/VLHCC.2005.7

COSTABILE M. F, FOGLI D, FRESTA G, MARCANTE A, MUSSIO P, PICCINNO A (2005). Meta-design for supporting users to shape their software solutions. In: Proceedings of the 4th Italian Symposium on Human Computer Interaction. Roma, Italy, September 12-13, 2005, p. 35-39

COSTABILE M. F, FOGLI D, FRESTA G, MUSSIO P, PICCINNO A (2004). Virtual Workshops for Human-Centric Computing. In: 2004 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human Centric Computing. p. 65-68, Los Alamitos, CA:IEEE Computer Society, ISBN: 0-7803-8696-5, Rome, Italy, September 26-29, 2004, doi: 10.1109/VLHCC.2004.62

COSTABILE M. F, FOGLI D, FRESTA G, MUSSIO P, PICCINNO A (2004). Virtual Workshops to Support Reflection in Action. In: Proceedings of the workshop on "Designing for Reflective Practitioners”. Wien, Austria, April, 25th, 2004

COSTABILE M. F, FOGLI D, FRESTA G, MUSSIO P, PICCINNO A (2003). Building environments for End-User Development and Tailoring. In: 2003 IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments, 2003. Proceedings.. p. 31-38, Los Alamitos, CA:IEEE Computer Society, ISBN: 0-7803-8225-0, Auckland, New Zealand, October 28-31, 2003, doi: 10.1109/HCC.2003.1260199

COSTABILE M. F, FOGLI D, LETONDAL C, MUSSIO P, PICCINNO A (2003). Domain-Expert Users and their Needs of Software Development. In: Universal Access in HCI: Inclusive Design in the Information Society. Crete, Greece, June 22-27, 2003, p. 532-536, ISBN: 0-8058-4933-5

BUONO P, COSTABILE M. F, GUIDA S.P, LANZILOTTI R, PICCINNO A (2003). Improving Web Interaction trough Personalization. In: Universal Access in HCI: Inclusive Design in the Information Society. Crete, Greece, June 22-27, 2003, vol. 4, p. 522-526, MAHWAH, NJ:Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., ISBN: 0-8058-4933-5

COSTABILE M. F, FOGLI D, FRESTA G, LANZILOTTI R, MUSSIO P, PICCINNO A (2003). Software Environments that Support End-User Development. In: Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction HCITALY 2003. Turin, Italy, November 4-5, 2003, p. 48-52

COSTABILE M. F, FOGLI D, MUSSIO P, PICCINNO A (2003). Software Shaping Workshops: Environments to Support End-User Development. In: Proceedings of CHI Workshop on "Perspectives in End User Development". p. 19-22, Fort Lauderdale, USA, April 6th, 2003

COSTABILE M. F, FOGLI D, FRESTA G, LANZILOTTI R, MUSSIO P, PICCINNO A (2003). Tailoring a cooperative environment through Software Shaping Workshops. In: Proceedings of Tailoring Co-operation Workshop at the ECSCW 2003, September 14-18, Helsinki, Finnland. p. 10-12, Helsinki, Finland, September 14-18, 2003

FOGLI D, PICCINNO A, SALVI D (2003). What Users See Is What Users Need. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems (DMS). p. 335-340, SKOKIE, IL:Knowledge Systems Institute Graduate School, ISBN: 1-891706-13-6, Miami, Florida, USA, September 24-26, 2003

BOTTONI P, COSTABILE M. F, LEVIALDI S, PICCINNO A (2002). Toward Formal Measures of Usability for Visual Interactive Systems. In: HCC '02 Proceedings of the IEEE 2002 Symposia on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments . p. 188-197, Los Alamitos, CA:IEEE Computer Society, ISBN: 0-7695-1644-0, Arlington, Virginia, USA, September 3-6, 2002, doi: 10.1109/HCC.2002.1046371

BUONO P, COSTABILE M. F, PICCINNO A, MINARDI G (2001). UPE: The FAIRWIS Personalisation Component. In: Open Enterprise Solutions: Systems, Experiences, and Organizaations (OES-SEO). p. 153-154, Roma:Luiss Edizioni, ISBN: 88-88047-21-2, Rome, Italy, September 14-15, 2001

BUONO P, COSTABILE M. F, PICCINNO A, ROSELLI T (2001). Web Recommendation Systems: The Case of On-line Trade Fairs. In: Proceedings of the 1st Panhellenic Conference with International Participation on Human-Computer Interaction PC HCI 2001. p. 405-406, Patras:Typorama Publications, ISBN: 960-7620-18-6, Patras, Greece, December 7-9, 2001

Abstract in Atti di convegno

F. Cabitza, D. Fogli, Piccinno A (2013). “Each to His Own”: Distinguishing Activities, Roles and Artifacts in EUD Practices. In: Proceedings of the X Conference of the Italian Chapter of AIS. ISBN: 978-88-6685-007-6, Milano, 14 Dicembre 2013

Fogli D., Piccinno A (2012). Enabling Domain Experts to Develop Usable Software Artifacts. In: Procedings of the IX Conference of the Italian Chapter of AIS (itAIS). Roma, 28-29 settembre 2012, Roma:ITAIS, ISBN: 978-88-6685-085-4

Piccinno A, Fogli D. (2011). Representing Visual Aspects of Web Services. In: Proceedings of the VIII Conference of the Italian Chapter of AIS (itAIS). Roma, 7-8 ottobre 2011, ISBN: 978-88-6105-063-1

BARRICELLI B.R, MUSSIO P, PADULA M, PICCINNO A, SCALA P.L, VALTOLINA S (2010). Interactive Task Management System Development Based on Semantic Orchestration of Web Service. In: Proceedings of the VII Conference of the Italian Chapter of AIS (ItAIS). Naples, Italy, October 8-9, ISBN: 978-88-6105-124-9

Parasiliti Provenza L, Piccinno A (2008). Designing Flexible User Interfaces. In: Proceedings of the V Conference of the Italian Chapter of AIS (ItAIS). Paris, France, December 13-14, 2008., ISBN: 978-88-6105-076-1

COSTABILE M.F, MUSSIO P, PARASILITI PROVENZA L, PICCINNO A (2007). End-User Visual Languages as Guiding Lights to avoid Turing Tar Pit and its inverse. In: (a cura di): L. Gamberini, A. Spagnolli, Fifth Italian Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction (CHItaly). p. 21, ISBN: 978-88-6129-110-2, Padua, Italy, June 28-30, 2007


COSTABILE M. F, DITTRICH Y, FISCHER G, PICCINNO A (a cura di) (2011). End-User Development - IS-EUD 2011. Di COSTABILE M. F., DITTRICH Y., FISCHER G., PICCINNO A.. vol. LNCS 6654, HEIDELBERG:SPRINGER, ISBN: 978-3-642-21529-2


Ardito C, Buono P, Costabile M, Lanzilotti R, Piccinno A (2010). Infrastruttura multimediale e metodo per guidare la visita ad un sito di interesse. MI2010A001473, Università degli Studi di Bari "Aldo Moro"

pubblicato il 02/09/2013 ultima modifica 19/03/2014

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