
Born in Caserta, 24th September 1970. After completing her Maturità Scientifica she enroled at the Faculty of Medicina Veterinaria, Univeristy of Bari where she graduated on 30th October 1993, with a dissertation entitled Lesioni encefaliche in delfini (Stenella coeruloalba) affetti da Morbillivirus, tutor Prof. Antonio Troncone, with maximum results of 110/110 plus.
As intern at the Institute of Anatomia patologica at the same Faculty in Med. Vet. both before and after her degree, she worked at both the anatomy and the histopathology laboratories, taking a particular interest in common pathologies. From January 1994 to June 1994 she carried out research at the Institute of Anatomia Patologica Veterinaria, University of Parma having won a scholarship from the Centro Ricerche Riproduzione Animali of Reggio Emilia. From September 1994 she continued frequenting the Istituto di Anatomia Patologica, Faculty of Medicina Veterinaria, Bari University, collaborating in the study of both problems in experimental pathology and spontaneous pathology. In 1997 she did a course neuropathology organized by the European School for Advanced Veterinary Studies at the University of Bern.
She has presented papers or communications regularly at Congresses organized by S.I.S.VET., by A.P.I.V., of the European Society of Veterinary Pathology, the Società Italiana di Neurochirurgia, Neurotrauma Society, Associazione Italiana dei Morfologi Veterinari. From September 1996 to April 2001, she has acted as University Researcher, disciplinary group VET/03(confirmed from December 1999) at the Faculty of Medicina Veterinaria of Bari University, and has collaborated with official Professors in holding lessons and seminars in Pathology, Pathological Anatomy, Techniques in autopsies and diagnostics and Histopathology. In the academic year 1999-2000 she taught Path. Anat. 1 at the same Faculty, where, in May 2001, she was  Associate Professor and confirmed full Professor in January 2005.

pubblicato il 31/10/2013 ultima modifica 24/07/2018

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