
In 09 October 2001, he graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Bari, discussing the thesis "The Mastocytoma Canino as a case study of tumor angiogenesis," the subject of publication, bringing the vote of 108/110. Since October 2001 for the period of one year has completed their professional training alongside an ippiatric specialist . He received the final examination of the course in "Bovine Reproduction and Equine" successfully. He holds the qualifying examination during the first session on 25-26/06/2002 with vote 106/120. Winner of the contest Researcher in the field disciplinary VET/03 Pathology and Veterinary Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Bari on 14/11/2002 with service socket on 15/12/2002. From A. A. 2002/2003 to To. A. 2012/13 had substitutions within the disciplines pertaining to the SSD VET/03 in the various degree programs. Also by the author. A. 2010/2011 to To. A. 2012/2013 has been the substitution of "Computer" in the degree in Veterinary Medicine, Animal Science and Food Production Hygiene and safety of food of animal origin. Member of the Italian Association of Veterinary Pathology (AIPVet.) since 2004 and of the 'European Society of veterinary pathology (ESVP) since 2005. From A. A. 2005/2006 he was appointed Adjunct Professor of the subject area VET/03. Associate Professor at the Department of Veterinary Medicine - University of Bari "Aldo Moro" from 2 April 2021. Author and co-author of scientific publications published in national and international journals.

pubblicato il 31/10/2013 ultima modifica 18/04/2023

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