CV English




  • Full Professor of International Law at the University of Bari Aldo Moro (UNIBA).
  • "Avvocato" (since 2001), qualified to practice before the Italian Supreme Court (since 2015). 



  • PhD in International Law at the University of Rome «La Sapienza» (2004). Topic: Transfer of Securities and Protection of Third Parties in Private International Law. Tutors: Andrea Giardina-Vincenzo Starace.
  • J.D. (Law degree), UNIBA, Magna cum laude. Final dissertation in International Law (1997). Tutor: Vincenzo Starace.


     Further educational experiences

  • Neapolitan School of the People’s Rights on the subjects (1998).
  • Master in International Trade Relations organized by the UNIBA Department of International and European Union Law (1998).
  • Hague Academy of International Law (Private International Law, 2004).
  • Hague Academy of International Law (Public and Private International Law, 2001).
  • Courses Gaetano Morelli Foundation on issues concerning International Procedural Law and International Civil Procedural Law (Crotone, Italy, 2001-2010).



  • Professor of International Law (2023-2024); Private International Law (2021/2022-2022/2023) at the UNIBA Department of Law; International and European Investment Law (2019/2020-) and International and European Tourism Law (former European and International Policies For Tourism; 2018/2019-) at the UNIBA Department of Economics, Management and Business Law.
  • Former Professor of International Law (2020/2021) at the UNIBA Department of Law; International Law (2010/2011-2017/2018); Private International Law (2006/2007-2012/2013); International Law of the Sea (2010/2011; 2012/2013-2016/2017; 2019/2020-2020/2021) at the UNIBA-Italian Navy Interfaculty Course on Science and Management of Maritime Activities.
  • Professorial Lecturer on (selection): «Maritime Security and Economic Rights at Sea», EULoS (European Union and the Law of the Sea) Summer School (Genoa, 6 September 2023); «Analisi comparata dei sistemi sanitari internazionali», Master II Economia e management delle aziende sanitarie, UNIBA (Bari, 14 June 2023); «Sicurezza e pianificazioni marittime», Master II livello Port City School. Per il governo delle città-porto, UNIBA, Fondazione Dioguardi, Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mare Adriatico Meridionale e Settentrionale (on-line 19 maggio 2023); «La legge applicabile alle procedure di insolvenza transfrontaliere», Course of Private International, UNIMI (on-line 17 May 2023); Determinazione e pianificazione degli spazi costieri e marittimi in prospettiva giuridica, Corso Competenze trasversali UNIBA Coste 4D (21 marzo 2023);  «Le crisi transfrontaliere», Corso di Perfezionamento in Gestione della Crisi d’Impresa, Luiss Business School-Luiss School of Law (Rome, 13 January 2023); «Maritime Security and Economic Rights at Sea in an Era of Sanctions», EULoS (European Union and the Law of the Sea) Summer School (Genoa, 7 September 2022; «La Zona economica esclusiva italiana», Nautical School of the Italian Financial Police (on-line 19 July 2022); «Diritto ed economia del mare», Master Port City School. Per il governo delle città-porto, UNIBA, Fondazione Dioguardi, Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mare Adriatico Meridionale e Settentrionale (on-line 8 July 2022); «La responsabilità sociale di impresa nel diritto internazionale ed europeo degli investimenti», Corso sulle competenze trasversali «La responsabilità sociale d’impresa (RSI): strumenti internazionali ed europei e applicazione pratica in azienda», UNIBA (on-line 23 May 2022); «Elementi di diritto internazionale del mare», 30-hour course at the Legione Allievi Italian Financial Police (2021/2022); «Analisi comparata dei sistemi sanitari internazionali», Master II Economia e management delle aziende sanitarie, UNIBA (Bari, 05 February 2022); «Il G20 per una nuova governance del commercio internazionale e degli investimenti esteri», Laboratorio innovativo di pratica del diritto G20 e global governance, UNIBA-Centro interdipartimentale di ricerca sul diritto internazionale e dell’Unione europea – Vincenzo Starace (Bari, 11 October 2021)«The jurisdictional framework in cross-border insolvency proceedings under Regulation (EU) 2015/848», Ravenna Summer School on Cross-Border Insolvency, University of Bologna (30 September 2021, virtual event); «Maritime Security for the Protection of Individual Economic Rights at Sea», EULoS (European Union and the Law of the Sea) Summer School (Genoa, 6 September 2021, virtual event); «Illicit Trafficking at Sea: International and EU Law» at the EULoS (European Union and the Law of the Sea) Summer School (Genoa, 2 September 2020, virtual event); «Elements of Maritime Law», 40-hour course at the Legione Allievi Italian Financial Police (2019/2020; 24-hour course in 2020-2021); «Investment Arbitration: State of the Art and Revision Perspectives», UNIBA PhD «Principi giuridici ed istituzioni fra mercati globali e diritti fondamentali» (Bari, 23 June 2020); «Police Legislation in Maritime Spaces (Maritime Law – Safety of Life at Sea)», Nautical School Italian Financial Police (Gaeta, 2019/2020, 40 hours, 17 in English language); «Combating illicit trafficking at sea», Legione Allievi Italian Financial Police (Bari, 5 March 2020); «Current Legal Issues in Migration by Sea­» at the EULoS (European Union and the Law of the Sea) Summer School (Genoa, 4 September 2019);; «Legal Systems of International Trade and Investment», Corso di Alta formazione L'internazionalizzazione delle imprese negli U.S.A. Rapporti giuridici e contrattualistica internazionale, AIGA-Bari (2019); «The European Maritime Security Strategy», «Introduction to the Legal Instruments for the Safety of the Life at Sea», «Police Enforcement and Criminal Jurisdiction at Sea», Short Master Sea and Security. 2018/2019, UNIBA-Legione Allievi Italian Financial Police (Bari, 2018); «Migration by Sea: the International and European Legal Framework», at the EULoS (European Union and the Law of the Sea) Summer School (Genoa, 4 September 2018); «Safety at Sea: Overview of the International and European Legal Framework» at the Vasco da Gama Summer School Safety: Navigation & Environment (UNIBA-Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions, 2018); «International Conventions on Environmental» (Short Master «Tutela dell’ambiente e contrasto a Ecomafie e Ecoreati (UNIBA-Legione Allievi Italian Financial Police, 2018); «Smuggling of Migrants: Contrast at Sea and Jurisdiction» (Italian Diplomatic Academy, 2018); «Maritime Spaces and Transnational Criminal Organizations» (Legione Allevi Italian Financial Police, Bari, 2017/2018); «Maritime Terrorism and Maritime Piracy» (Nautical School of Italian Financial Police, Gaeta, 2017); «Will of the Parties in Contemporary Private International Law», University of Foggia (2016); «Interface between Arbitration and Brussels I Regulation», PhD Course in «Law Principles and Institutions between Global Markets and Fundamental Rights», UNIBA (2014); «International Commercial Dispute Settlement: Arbitration and Conciliation», Master «Diritto e tecnica doganale e del commercio internazionale», UNIBA (2014); «State Immunity and European Judicial Cooperation in Civil and Commercial Matters», University «Magna Grecia» of Catanzaro (2014); «International Procedural Rules and Validity of Judgment», University of Salerno (2012); «Individual Application before ECHR», PhD Course in International and European Union Law, UNIBA (2012); «International and European Environmental Law», Master «Diritto sanitario e dell’ambiente», UNIBA (2012); «The European Judicial Network in Civil and Commercial Matter» (Italian Ministry of Justice, Rome, 2010); «The Liquidator and the Action to Set Aside in the framework of the European Insolvency Regulation» (Seminar organized by the «Bari Barrister Council», 2010); «International Contracts: Choice of Law and Jurisdiction in EC Judicial Space» (15-hour module in English at the Master MIBEC - «International Business and Economic Cooperation», Faculty of Economics, UNIBA, 2008); «International Treaties in Financial Matter» (Master ISPEGEA - «Internazionalizzazione dei Sistemi Produttivi. Economia e Gestione dell’Export», UNIBA, 2007); «European Community and World Trade Organization» (School of Specialization in European Community Law and Economics, Faculty of Economics, UNIBA, 2001 and  2003); «Diplomatic Immunities» (Master in European Careers and International Cooperation, Faculty of Economics, UNIBA, 2002).


     Further Academic Tasks and Duties

  • UNIBA DEMDI Delegate for Internationalization (2023-). 
  • Coordinator ad interim of the DEMDI Course Progettazione e Management dei Servizi Turistici e Culturali (2023).
  • Member of: UNIBA DEMDI «Joint Commission» (Commissione paritetica) (2022-2024); UNIBA «Group for Normative Simplification» (2014-2019); UNIBA Jonian Department «Joint Commission» (Commissione paritetica) (2015-2018); Self-evaluation Group for the UNIBA Interfaculty Course on Science and Management of Maritime Activities (2013-2018); UNIBA Erasmus Task Force (2008-2011).
  • Administrator of Exams, Supervisor of Thesis (including PhD Thesis), Co-ordinator of Seminar and Lectures.
  • Appointed as Member of Committees for: Research Fellowship (A) in International Law (University of Milan, 2023); Research Fellowship (A) in International Law (University of Ferrara, 2022); Final Discussion, PhD in European, International and Public Law (University of Milan-Université Paris 1, Panthéon – Sorbonne (2020); Assistant Professorship (B) in International Law (University of Milan, 2019); Assistant Professorship (A) in International Law (University of Genoa, 2019); Research Fellowship (A) in Private International Law and New Technologies (University of Milan, 2017); Assistant Professorship in International Law (University of Foggia, 2008); Research Fellowship in International Law (UNIBA, 2008); Admission UNIBA PhD in International and European Union Law (2007).



  • Scientific Coordinator of the Transversal Skills Laboratory (UNIBA 2023-2024) Gestione e pratica dei contratti internazionali nel settore degli investimenti esteri diretti – Management & Practice of International Contracts in the Foreign Direct Investments Sector with the support of UNIDROIT, Southern Adriatic Sea Port System Authority, and INSOL Europe;
  • Supervisor for UNIBA of the Memorandum of Understanding entered into between UNIBA and UNIDROIT on 19 July 2023;
  • Member of the Working Group on the Law Applicable to Digital Assets of the European Association of Private International Law (2023);
  • Member of the Working Party on Mobility of companies facing insolvency of the Conference on European Restructuring and Insolvency Law (CERIL) (2023);
  • Area Referent, Scientific Committee, EJNita 2.0 Project – European Judicial Network – Italian Network: Building Bridges, co-founded by EU and coordinated by Italian Ministry of Justice in co-operation with National Council of Notaries, Italian Superior School of Judiciary, University of Ferrara and Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (2022);
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of the Master Port City School. Per il governo delle città porto (UNIBA-Dioguardi Foundation, 2021/2022);
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of the Legal Clinic G20 and global governance, UNIBA-Interdepartmental Research Center on International and EU Law – Vincenzo Starace (2021);
  • Area Referent, website Aldricus, within the EJNita Project – European Judicial Network – Italian Network: Building Bridges, co-founded by EU and coordinated by Italian Ministry of Justice in co-operation with National Council of Notaries, Italian Superior School of Judiciary, University of Ferrara and Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (2020);
  • Director and Member of the Scientific Committee of the Short Master Sea and Security (UNIBA-Legione Allievi Italian Financial Police; 2018/2019; co-direction with prof. Ugo Patroni Griffi);
  • Director and Member of the Scientific Committee of the Short Master Safety and Security at Sea (UNIBA-Legione Allievi Italian Financial Police, 2016–2017);
  • Coordinator of the Study Group Cross-border Insolvency and National Legal Orders established by the Italian Branch of the International Law Association (2016-2018);
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of the Summer School I ricorsi alla Corte europea dei diritti dell’uomo: diritti azionabili e modalità di presentazione (UNIBA, 2017/2018).
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of the Master Prevenzione e gestione della crisi d’impresa - Restructuring, LUISS School of Law (2017/2018).
  • Academic Supervisor of the ELSA Legal Research Group on Maritime Security (2017).
  • Director and Member of the Scientific Committee of the Summer School ADR: Current and Evolving Challenges (UNIBA-Foundation “Osservatorio sull’uso dei sistemi ADR”; 2016).
  • Member of the UNIBA PhD Board in Rights and Protections in Globalized Markets (2021-).
  • Member of the UNIBA PhD Board in Law Principles and Institutions between Global Markets and Fundamental Rights (2013-2015; 2018-2021).
  • Member of the UNIBA PhD Board in International and European Union Law (2005-2013).
  • Member of the UNIBA PhD Board in “Diritti, Economie e Culture del Mediterraneo” (2016-2017).
  • Member of the Consortium led by Optimity Advisors for the framework contract “JUST/2015/PR/01/0003 Lot 1 – Supply of impact assessment, evaluation and evaluation related services in the policy areas under the responsibility of the DG Justice and Consumers” (European Commission). 
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of the Project Cooperation between Members of the Judiciary and other Actors Dealing with Cross-border Insolvency Proceedings coordinated by the Belgian Judicial Training Institute with the support of the European Union (second meeting, École nationale de Magistrature, Paris, 14 November 2014).
  • Member of the Insolvency Office Holders Principles Review and Advisory Group within the project European Principles and Best Practices for Insolvency Office Holders carried out by the Leiden Research Team on International Insolvency Law of the Leiden Law School and coordinated by Professors Jan Adriaanse, Iris Wuisman and Bob Wessels as well as Dr B. Santen (2013-2014).
  • Member of the Project «RITMARE 2012» (MIUR/CNR/VII Framework Program), Sub-project «Pianificazione dello spazio marittimo: fascia costiera (Sottoprogetto costiero)» (Maritime Space Planning: Coastline), CONISMA Operative Unit «Aspetti giuridici e profili economici dello sfruttamento sostenibile della fascia costiera» (Legal Issues and Economics Profiles of the Coastline Sustainable Exploitation) directed by Prof. Antonio F. Uricchio (UNIBA Rector).
  • Member of the Project PRIN 2007 Gross Violation of Rules related to Conduct of Hostilities in modern Wars: Problems of Control, Criminal Repression and Victims Compensation formerly directed by Prof. Fausto Pocar and ultimately by Prof. Marco Pedrazzi within the UNIBA unity which dealt with Criminal Punishment for Use and Diffusion of Weapons.
  • Several Projects directed by Prof. Vincenzo Starace, UNIBA: «Modifications of the ECHR Protection System provided for by Protocol No.14» (2006, 2005); «European Convention on Human Rights and its Application in Matter of Extradition, Family Life Protection and Inhuman or Degrading Treatments» (2004, 2003); «European Community System of International Civil Procedure Established by 2000 and 2001 EC Regulations: Jurisdiction and Enforcement of Judgments concerning Insolvency Proceedings» (2002); «Italian System of International Civil Procedural Law according to the Law 31 May 1995 No. 218: Jurisdiction and Internal Competence» (2001).



  • Peace Palace Library (The Hague, 2023, 2010, 2004 and 2001);
  • Swiss Institute of Comparative Law (Lausanne, 2007).



  • Identifying digital assets: asset tracing and recovery, presentation at the conference Corporate Rescue and Insolvency in the Digital Age, and participation in the final round table Cross-border digital asset and cryptocurrency insolvency issues in the EU organized by ERA (on-line, 3-4 June 2024);
  • La disciplina della giurisdizione e del riconoscimento delle decisioni, at the congress Successioni internazionali: elementi di diritto e applicazioni pratiche organized by the Italian International Lawyers Chamber (Bari, 15 March 2024);
  • Intervention by invitation re Digitalization Outlook, Rountable at the Congress L’avvocato e il contenzioso transfrontaliero organized by CNF and SSA (Rome, 7 February 2024);
  • Intervention bu invitation re Rome V Regulation on the Law Applicable to Companies at the EU Law Roundtable Verso il completamento dello spazio giudiziario europeo in materia civile e commerciale (Genoa, 15 December 2023);
  • ADR and EU Cross-border Insolvency Law, at the 5th ILA Italy Biennal Conference Alternative Dispute Resolution in International and EU Law - Recent Trends (Ferrara, 16 November 2023);
  • Terrorismo, atto terroristico e azione bellica: genesi e sviluppo del conflitto, at the meeting L’attacco a Israele e la guerra a Gaza: la parola al diritto, UNIBA (Bari  9 November 2023);
  • Tracing and Attaching Bank Accounts in EU Cross-border Insolvency Proceedings, presentation at the INSOL Europe Academic Conference (Amsterdam, 12 October 2023);
  • The law applicable to third-party effectiveness of assignments of claims in cross-border insolvency proceedings: discussing and drawing on the EU (proposed) solutions, paper presented at the Academic Committee Business Meeting, International Insolvency Institute, 23rd Annual Conference (Amsterdam, 9 June 2023);
  • I diritti umani nel diritto applicabile al merito degli arbitrati in materia di investimenti, at the congress SIDI’s opening event I diritti umani nelle procedure arbitrali in materia di investimenti: profili sostanziali e procedurali (Naples, 8 June 2023);
  • The Conclusion and Entry into Force of Private International Law Treaties, panelist at the Conference The Law of Treaties as Applied to Private International Law organized by Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, EAPIL, SIDI (Milan, 5 May 2023);
  • Jurisdiction to issue an EAPO / La competenza giurisdizionale per il rilascio di un’OESC, at the conference The European Account Preservation Order (EAPO) – Six Years On - L’Ordinanza Europea di Sequestro Conservativo dei Conti bancari (OESC) – I primi sei anni organized by the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (Milan, 3 March 2023);
  • Conflitto russo-ucraino: sanzioni e contromisure, at the webinar Crisi Ucraina-Russia: come tutelarsi dalle sanzioni organized by ANIMA Confindustria Meccanica Varia (26 May 2022);
  • Il recupero crediti in Europa. La procedura per le controversie di minore entità e l'ordinanza europea di sequestro conservativo su conti bancari, on-line lecture at the Fondazione Forense di Monza (26 May 2022);
  • Scope of application ratione materiae: excluded matters of insolvency and arbitration, at the conference Regulation Brussels Ia: a standard for free circulation of judgments and mutual trust in the European Union (JUDGTRUST) (The Hague/on-line, 21 April 2022);
  • Intervention at the meeting La revisione delle norme sull’accertamento della efficacia delle sentenze straniere e altri interventiLa riforma del processo civile e l’avvocato internazionalista, organized by Camera degli Avvocati Internazionalisti (on-line, 20 April 2022);
  • Sanzioni e contromisure al tempo del conflitto russo-ucraino, at the webinar Fare business all’estero: come tutelarsi dalle sanzioni legate alla crisi Ucraina-Russia, organized by Confindustria Cuneo (19 April 2022);
  • Intervention at the meeting L’invasione dell’Ucraina e le risposte della comunità internazionale, organized by Centro interdipartimentale “Vincenzo Starace”, UNIBA (Bari, 4 March 2022);
  • The COMI at the intersection of the European Insolvency Regulation and the new Italian insolvency rules, congress Il diritto concorsuale italiano e gli obiettivi di coordinamento con la normativa eurounitaria organized by University of Verona e Associazione Concorsualisti (Verona, 17 December 2021);
  • L’assunzione delle prove all’estero, congress La cooperazione giudiziaria in materia civile. Questioni attuali e nuovi scenari, within the project EJNita-Building Bridges, organized by the Italian Ministry of Justice (Rome, 26 October 2021);
  • Invited at the discussion in the virtual seminar Verso una più efficiente esecuzione transfrontaliera dei crediti in materia civile e commerciale all’interno dello spazio giudiziario europeo organized within the EFFORTS project by the University of Milan (22 October 2021);
  • European Maritime Security and the Blue Economy: an Intersectoral Legal Perspective, International Workshop From Integrated Maritime Policy to International Ocean Governance: the progressive development of EU maritime policies organized by the NOVA School of Law (Lisbon, 9 June 2021, on-line connection);
  • L’insolvenza transfrontaliera: la normativa europea e il suo funzionamento nel sistema processuale italiano, criticità e prospettive future, Course La tutela internazionale del credito commerciale dopo la pandemia, progetto EJNita-Building Bridges organized by the Italian Superior School of Judiciary (4 June 2021);
  • Le insinuazioni internazionali del passivo nella disciplina del regolamento (UE) 2015/848 e la disciplina dell’impegno ex art. 36, webinar La gestione delle crisi e dell’insolvenza dei gruppi: profili internazionali della gestione della crisi e dell’insolvenza organized by Ordine Commercialisti, Fondazione Commercialisti Milan, University Bocconi (6 May 2021);
  • Introductory remarks, on-line seminar La Zona Economica Esclusiva italiana: ragioni, ambito, delimitazione e sfide (Italian Navy - UNIBA, 27 April 2021);
  • Maritime Security Challenges and International Law of the Sea, presentation at the on-line workshop Maritime Security Sector Governance (MSSG): The Role of Security Sector Actors in East Asia organized by DCAF – Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance (8 April 2021);
  • Harmonizing Insolvency Laws in the Prism of European Investment Law, presentation at the INSOL Europe Academic Forum webinar (20 January 2021);
  • La gestione dei marittimi e dei passeggeri di fronte alla chiusura dei porti causa COVID-19, lecture at the webinar COVID-19 e Diritto Marittimo organized by the Italian Association of Maritime Law (12 June 2020);
  • Introduzione to the on-line meeting Trasporti, mare e turismo tra crisi Covid-19 e prospettive di rilancio internazionali ed europee within the seminars cycle Scenari di innovazione del turismo organized by the UNIBA Course in Design and Management of Tourism and Cultural Systems (Bari, 29 May 2020);
  • «Mercati» e porti tra pianificazione degli spazi marittimi, attrazione e protezione degli investimenti internazionali, lecture at the Conference I porti italiani alla prova dei mercati internazionali organized by UNIBA, Fondazione Scuola Forense Barese, Southern Adriatic Port System Authority (Bari, 15 November 2019);
  • Commercio internazionale e arbitrato, lecture at the Conference L'arbitrato per le imprese organized by Milan Arbitral Chamber and Arbitral and Mediation Chamber of the Bari Chamber of Commerce (Bari, 14 November 2019);
  • Discussant to the report on the Regulation (EU) no  655/2014 - European Account Preservation Order at the Congress Strumenti e soluzioni per un più efficace recupero transfrontaliero dei crediti - Closing Congress of the JUST-AG-2016-02-764217 Project «Informed Choices in Cross-Border Enforcement» organized by the University of Milan (Milan, 8 November 2019);
  • Introduction to the lectio magistralis of Staffan de Mistura La sicurezza nell'area euromediterranea organized by University of Bari Aldo Moro and Italian Navy (Taranto, 7 November 2019);
  • Invited speaker at the Round Table Direttiva (UE) 2019/1023: possibili impatti sul codice della crisi e dell'insolvenza within the congress Il nuovo Codice della Crisi: quali prospettive? organized by A.P.R.I. (Associazione Professionisti Risanamento Imprese) (Ferrara, 4 November 2019);
  • Invited speaker at the session Frontiere d'Europa: diritti in balia delle onde of the IV Juridical Congress, Tutela dei diritti fondamentali nel diritto nazionale ed europeo, organized by the Fondazione Forense of Monza (Monza, 26 October 2019);
  • Nuove tecnologie e profili di diritto internazionale privato, lecture at the Conference Insert Law to Continue organized by the University of Naples "Federico II" (Naples, 13 September 2019);
  • COMI: evoluzione del concetto tra esperienze applicative e riforme legislative, lecture at the Conference Il Codice della crisi. Le nuove frontiere della giurisdizione e della cooperazione nelle procedure transfrontaliere organized by the Master in Business and Company Law: European and International Perspectives of the LUISS School of Law (Rome, 5 July 2019);
  • Combating Illicit Oil and Drugs Trafficking at Sea - a View from the Mediterranean, lecture at the workshop Maritime Security of Offshore Activities and Installations: Legal Aspects organized by IELoS Jean Monnet Chair and Institute for the Law of the Sea and International Marine Environment (Bremen, 20 June 2019);
  • La sicurezza marittima tra unilateralismo, cooperazione internazionale e integrazione europea, lecture at the congress Ri/costruire un diritto internazionale universale: conquiste passate, sfide future in mare, sulla terra e nei porti organized by Italian Navy, Italian Coast Guard, Port System Authority of the Ionian Sea, Prefettura of Matera (Matera, 14 June 2019);
  • Brexit and Cross-border Insolvency, intervention at the workshop Brexit and Private International Law organized by the Interest Group on Private International Law of the Italian Society of International and European Union Law (Rome, 4 June 2019);
  • Il sequestro europeo dei conti bancari, lecture at the seminar Problemi attuali su riconoscimento ed esecuzione delle decisioni nella giurisprudenza italiana ed europea organized by the Scuola Superiore della Magistratura, Italian Supreme Court (Rome, 6 March 2019);
  • Immigrazione via mare tra obblighi di soccorso, protezione internazionale e tutela dei diritti umani, lecture at the Congress Il Regolamento di Dublino e il più ampio quadro giuridico europeo e internazionale in materia di immigrazione organized by the Pubblic Criminal Prosecutor Office of the Tribunal of Lucca (Lucca, 15 November 2018);
  • Invited speaker at the roundtable Il regolamento Roma I sulla legge applicabile ai contratti alla luce della giurisprudenza organized by the University of Ferrara (Ferrara, 8 November 2018);
  • Invited at the discussion in the roundtable Prevention of the Illicit Trafficking in Cultural Property organized by  OSCE Border Management Staff College and Legione Allievi Guardia di Finanza (Bari, 20 October 2018);
  • La codificazione del diritto internazionale privato fra strumenti internazionalistici e diritto dell’Unione europea, lecture at the XXIII Congress of the Italian Society of International and Europea Union Law La codificazione nell’ordinamento internazionale ed europeo (Ferrara, 7-8 June 2018);
  • Invited at the discussion in the seminar Informed Choices in Cross-Border Enforcement–IC2BE organized by University of Milan (Milan, 28 May 2018);
  • Discussant at the conference La sicurezza marittima: situazione attuale e prospettive di evoluzione organized by ELSA Genoa-Taranto (Genoa, 21 May 2018);
  • Discussant about Punitive Damages and International Commercial Arbitration at the conference Punitive Damages and European Private International Law: State of the Art and Future Developments organized by University of Milan, Interest Group of Private International Law of the Italian Society of International Law and Rivista di Diritto internazionale privato e processuale (Milan, 11 May 2018);
  • Speaker at the conference Voluntary Assignment and Contractual Subrogation Under EU Private International Law (Ferrara, 4 April 2018);
  • Contracts: Kick-off Presentation, National Report, seminar European Private International Law Running Out of Steam? – Italo-German Perspectives on Future Areas of Harmonization, Villa Vigoni - German-Italian Centre for European Excellence (12-15 February 2018);
  • L’efficacia delle sentenze «europee» nell’ordinamento italiano, lecture at the Giornata di formazione per Avvocati organized by the Bar Council of Taranto, Brindisi, Castrovillari and Matera (Taranto, 16 November 2017);
  • Procedure secondarie «sintetiche» e diritto applicabile nella procedura principale, lecture at the Conference Cross-Border Business Crisis: International and European Horizons, LUISS School of Law (Rome, 3-4 November 2017);
  • Lavoro marittimo e standard di sicurezza alla prova del principio dì effettività, lecture at the XXXII European Union Law Round Table Effettività e Diritto dell'Unione europea, University of Genoa (Genoa, 15 September 2017);
  • Speaker at the Round Table Immigrazione irregolare nel Mar Mediterraneo: aspetti giuridico-operativi organized in collaboration with Fondazione Marittima Michelagnoli (Taranto, 23 May 2017);
  • Libertà comunitarie di circolazione e diritto internazionale privato delle società, lecture at the Congress Stabilimento e riconoscimento delle società: profili interdisciplinari, University of Naples Parthenope, (Naples, 17 February 2017);
  • Il Regolamento 655/2014 istitutivo della procedura per l’ordinanza europea di sequestro conservativo su conti bancari, lecture at the Conference L’effettività della tutela del credito, oggi organized by the Bari Bar Council (16 December 2016);
  • I ricorsi individuali alla Corte europea dei diritti dell’uomo, lecture at the Giornata di formazione per Avvocati organized by the Taranto Bar Council (Taranto, 15 December 2016);
  • Speaker in the Round Table Quando il diritto insegue la globalizzazione. Presentation of Lucio Ghia’s bookInternational Business Law (American Chamber of Commerce in Italy – Credit Suisse, Milan, 21 October 2016);
  • Harmonization and avoidance disputes against the background of the European Insolvency Regulation, presentation at the INSOL Europe Academic Forum Annual Conference (Lisbon, 21 September 2016);
  • The New European Insolvency Regulation and Groups of Companies: A Complex Framework for A Still Opened Challenge, additional contribution at the International Insolvency Institute 16th annual conference (Tokyo, 7 June 2016);
  • Invited expert at the EU Project “Implementation of the New Insolvency Regulation”: Mid-term Conference organized by University of Milan (Milano, 8 February 2016);
  • Speaker in the Round Table Stabilità e sicurezza del contesto marittimo: una priorità per la tutela del sistema produttivo legato al mare organized by UNIBA and Italian Navy (Bari, 25 January 2016);
  • Speaker in the Round Table La codificazione del diritto internazionale privato e processuale (Ferrara, 27 November 2015);
  • Discussant in the Ferrara Workshop on Private International Law Collective Redress Through the Voluntary Assignments of Obligations (speaker Sabine Corneloup; Ferrara, 26 November 2015);
  • La scelta della legge applicabile alla successione , lecture at the Seminar Il notaio e le successioni internazionali. Il certificato successorio europeo organized by Fondazione Italiana del Notariato (Bari, 12 June 2015);
  • L’equo processo nel diritto processuale civile internazionale europeo, lecture at the XX Congress of the Italian Society of International Law L’incidenza del diritto non scritto sul diritto internazionale ed europeo (Macerata, 5-6 June 2015);
  • Il concetto di «Mediterraneo allargato» tra geopolitica e diritto internazionale, lecture at the congress Il Mediterraneo allargato e le attuali minacce, organized by Italian Navy and UNIBA (San Vito, Taranto, 14 April 2015);
  • Claim protection in the European Common Space: substantive and procedural issues, lecture at the «European Day of Civil Justice», Lecce, 27 November 2014;
  • Speaker at the congress Cross-border Marriage Crises organized by AIGA and Bucciarelli Foundation (Rome, 3 October 2014);
  • Intervention at the presentation of the book Elementi di diritto e geopolitica degli spazi marittimi (Centro Alti Studi della Difesa, Rome, 9 July 2014);
  • Il Peace-keeping navale, lecture at the congress Naval Diplomacy organized by Italian Navy (San Vito, Taranto, 21 May 2014);
  • La Carta africana dei diritti dell'uomo e dei popoli, lecture at the conference Diritti umani in Africa organized by UNIBA, ELSA, LEO, Azione Verde (Taranto, 15 April 2014);
  • La disciplina europea dell'insolvenza transfrontaliera: quadro d'insieme e prospettive di riforma, lecture at the conference Le procedure concorsuali: una visione interdisciplinare organized by Italian Superior School of Judiciary (Bari, 25 March 2014);
  • Valori e obiettivi dello spazio europeo di libertà, sicurezza e giustizia, lecture at the conference Giustizia e Sicurezza  (Taranto, 17 December 2013);
  • Discussant in the Ferrara Workshop on Private International Law The European Certificate of Succession. A didactic play on the challenges to forge integrated private international law regimes (invited speaker, Anatol Dutta; Ferrara, 8 November, 2013);
  • Strengthening the dominance of the main proceedings: from Bank Handlowy to EIR revision, presentation at the INSOL Europe Academic Forum Annual Conference (Paris, 25 September 2013);
  • La responsabilità medica nel diritto internazionale, lecture at the First «Peacekeeping» International Congress, L’ospedale del futuro nell’area del Mediterraneo (Naval Base, Taranto, 31 May 2013);
  • Vendita di armi ai pirati: inquadramento del fenomeno nel diritto internazionale, lecture at the Congress Azione di contrasto della pirateria: dal controllo dei mari a quello dei flussi finanziari organized by UNIBA and Italian Navy (San Vito-Taranto, 11 March 2013);
  • Le obbligazioni alimentari nella crisi matrimoniale transfrontaliera, lecture at the Congress Coppia e minori. Questioni di attualità nel diritto internazionale privato organized by University of Bologna, University of Ferrara and International Law Meeting Association (Bologna, 8 March 2013);
  • Territorialità e unificazione tra forum e ius nella prospettiva del diritto internazionale privato dell'Unione europea», introductory lecture at the X Young International Lawyers Research Forum A Lackland Law? Territory, Effectiveness and Jurisdiction in International and European Law (Catania, 24-25 January 2013);
  • Verso il futuro sequestro europeo su conti bancari nel bilanciamento tra tutela del creditore e diritti fondamentali del debitore, lecture at the 17th Congress of the Italian Society of International Law L'Unione europea a vent'anni da Maastricht: verso nuove regole (Genoa, 31 May- 1° June 2012);
  • I rapporti tra il regolamento Bruxelles I e l'arbitrato nella prospettiva dell'armonia delle decisioni, lecture at the conference L'armonia delle decisioni in materia civile e commerciale nello spazio giudiziario europeo organized by the University of Cagliari (Cagliari, 17-18 May 2012);
  • Il coordinamento tra procedimenti giudiziali e procedimenti arbitrali nello spazio giuridico europeo: spunti in merito alla prospettata riforma della "arbitration exclusion" nel Regolamento Bruxelles I, lecture at conference Arbitrato e Corti europee organized by the Neaples Second University (Santa Maria Capua Vetere, 15 May 2012);
  • Moderator at the Congress La protezione dei beni archeologici rinvenuti a terra o in mare organized by the UNIBA II Faculty of Law (Taranto, 20 April 2012);
  • «Diritto internazionale umanitario e operazioni miliari navali», lecture at conference organized by the Italian Navy (San-Vito, Taranto, 30 November 2011);
  • «Intervento» at the Seminar Le baie storiche nel diritto marittimo internazionale. Il caso del Golfo di Taranto organized by the UNIBA II Faculty of Law (Taranto, 14 November 2011);
  • Participation to the Round Table War crimes and the conduct of hostilities: Challenges to adjudication and investigation (Milan, 20 September 2011);
  • EU Cross-border Insolvency: a Free Zone for the Anti-Suit Injunctions?, presentation at the 4th Journal of Private International Law Conference (Milan, 15 April 2011);
  • La disciplina della giurisdizione nel regolamento “Bruxelles I”: il diritto vigente nella prospettiva di una revisione lecture at the VI Congresso giuridico-forense per l’aggiornamento professionale organized by the «Consiglio Nazionale Forense» and the «Scuola Superiore dell’Avvocatura» (Rome, 19 March 2011);
  • Arms Transfer and Complicity in War Crimes, communication at the International Conference War Crimes and the Conduct of Hostilities: a Judicial Perspective (Turin, 19-20 November 2010);
  • L'efficacia esecutiva delle sentenze oltre i confini dello Stato, lecture at the Seminar Le piccole e medie imprese ed il commercio internazionale organized by the «Trani Barrister Council», the University of Ferrara and the «Scuola Superiore dell’Avvocatura » (Trani, 14 May 2010);
  • Il curatore fallimentare nello spazio giudiziario europeo, lecture at the V Congresso giuridico-forense per l’aggiornamento professionale organized by the «Consiglio Nazionale Forense» and the «Scuola Superiore dell’Avvocatura» (Rome, 13 March 2010);
  • Il regime europeo dell’insolvenza transfrontaliera. La circolazione delle sentenze nello spazio giudiziario europeo, lecture at the Congress Le piccole e medie imprese ed il commercio internazionale  organized by the University of Ferrara, the «Scuola Superiore dell’Avvocatura» and the «Associazione Italiana Giovani Avvocati» (Padua, 25 February 2010);
  • Il regolamento (CE) n. 1346/2000 del 29 maggio 2000 del Consiglio relativo alle procedure di insolvenza, lecture in a meeting organized by the Brindisi Barrister Council (Ostuni, Brindisi, 4 December 2009);
  • Speaker at the Seminar Europa indispensabile organized by the UNIBA II Faculty of Law (Taranto, 4 December 2009);
  • La circolazione delle decisioni nello spazio giudiziario europeo: la progressiva erosione dell’exequatur, lecture at the Round Table La tutela del credito nelle controversie commerciali a carattere transfrontaliero in Europa: giurisdizione, legge applicabile, procedura organized by the Tribunal of Padua (Padua, 1 December 2009);
  • La disciplina comunitaria sull'assunzione delle prove in materia civile e commerciale, lecture at the Congress Diritto comunitario e processo civile: effettività e limiti della cooperazione giudiziaria in Europa organized by the «Ufficio dei Referenti per la formazione decentrata del CSM nel Distretto del Piemonte e della Valle d'Aosta» (Turin, 22 October 2009);
  • Intervento at the Conference L’attuazione del Trattato di Lisbona: principi e riflessi economico-finanziari organized by the UNIBA II Faculty of Law and the UNIBA Faculty of Political Sciences (Taranto, 7 October 2009);
  • Titolo esecutivo europeo e decreto ingiuntivo europeo, lecture at the Congress La gestione del contenzioso in ambito comunitario (organized by the Empoli Barrister Association in co-operation with the «Fondazione per la Formazione Forense» of the Florence Barrister Council (Empoli, 25 September 2009);
  • L'azione delle organizzazioni internazionali in materia di pirateria marittima, lecture at the Congress Nuove piraterie e ordinamenti giuridici interni e internazionali organized by UNIBA and Italian Navy (Taranto, 17 June 2009);
  • Il procedimento europeo per le controversie di modesta entità, lecture at the Course La gestione del contenzioso civile e commerciale alla luce della normativa comunitaria organized by the «Fondazione per la Formazione Forense» of the Florence Barrister Council, the University of Florence (Faculty of Law) and the «Union Internationale des Avocats» (Florence, 2 February 2009);
  • Cessione del credito e surrogazione nel regolamento "Roma I" sulla legge applicabile alle obbligazioni contrattuali (Voluntary Assignment and Subrogation in the Regulation “Rome I” on the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations), workshop within the «Commissione Affari Europei e Internazionali» of the «Consiglio Nazionale del Notariato» (Rome, 13 November 2008);
  • Intervento (Contribution) at the Conference Disapplicazione, nullità e annullabilità dell'atto amministrativo: il ruolo della giurisdizione ordinaria, amministrativa e tributaria  organized by the «Associazione Nazionale dei Giudici di Pace» and the «Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura» on the occasion of the European Day of Civil Justice (Taranto, 24 October 2008);
  • Il regolamento sulle controversie di modesta entità, lecture at the Conference Il Giudice di pace nello spazio giudiziario europeo  organized by the «Associazione Nazionale Giudici di Pace», the «Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura» and the UNIBA II Faculty of Law (Taranto, 14 December 2007);
  • La disciplina della opponibilità della cessione del credito, lecture at the Round Table Verso un nuovo diritto internazionale privato dei contratti in Europa organized by the University of Ferrara (Rovigo, 31 March 2006);
  • La cooperazione giudiziaria civile tra competenza statale e competenza esterna della Comunità europea, lecture at the First Meeting of the Young Scholars in International Law organized by the University of Siena (Siena, 12 September 2003). 



  • Co-director of the Series «Legal Culture and International Flows», Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane.
  • Member of the editorial board of «Rivista di diritto internazionale privato e processuale»; Italian National Board of the «The European Legal Forum»; «Rivista di diritto societario».
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of «Il Nuovo Diritto delle Società», Giappichelli.
  • Co-editor of «International Business Crisis», section of «Il Nuovo Diritto delle Società», Giappichelli.
  • Editor for «Conflict of – News and Views in Private International Law­».
  • Referee for «Diritto del commercio internazionale», Giuffré.
  • Occasionally referee for «Rivista di diritto internazionale», «Diritti umani e Diritto internazionale», «International Insolvency Review», «Utrecht Journal of International and European Law», «Studi sull’integrazione europea».
  • Past co-editor for the «Commentaries on Private International Law», newsletter of the American Society of International Law Private International Law Interest Group.



  • Co-operation with the journal Guida al diritto, IlSole24ore, for commentaries on judgments of national courts, ECJ and ECHR (2005-2012).



  • Referee for the Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes (ANVUR) – Evaluation of Research Quality (VQR) 2011-2014: 2015-2019.
  • Referee for the Swiss National Science Foundation.
  • External Referee for PhD Thesis:
    • University of Macerata – XXXVI round, PhD in Law and Innovation;
    • University of Ferrara – XXXV round, PhD in EU Law and National Legal Orders;
    • University of Trento – XXXIV round, Comparative and European Legal Studies;
    • University of Ferrara – XXXIII round, PhD in EU Law and National Legal Orders;
    • University “La Sapienza” of Rome - XXX round, PhD in Autonomia privata, impresa, lavoro e tutela dei diritti nella prospettiva europea e internazionale, curriculum International Law;
    • Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan - XXX round, PhD School ILI-Impresa, Lavoro, Istituzioni;
    • University of Padua - XXX round, PhD School in International Law, Private Law, Labour Law, curriculum International Law;
    • University of Macerata - XXIX round, PhD School in Law, curriculum International and European Union Law.


  • Member of the Italian delegation at the 86th, 91st and 94th Meetings of the European Judicial Network in Civil and Commercial Matters (Brussels, 23-24 June 2022; 1-2 June 2023; 20-21 March 2024);
  • Invited at the Roundtable on Applicable law in Cross-border Insolvency Proceedings co-organized by the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union and the European Commission’s DG Justice (17 March 2022 - online).
  • Invited at the Expert Group Meeting on Applicable Law in Insolvency Proceedings convened by the UNCITRAL Secretariat (15-16 September 2021 - online).
  • Member of the Group of Experts on Restructuring and Insolvency Law appointed by the DG Justice and Consumers of the European Commission for the initiative «increasing convergence of national insolvency laws to encourage cross-border investment» (Brussels, 2021).
  • Cooperation in drafting Articles 14 to 14-quater of the «Codice della crisi e dell’insolvenza» edited by the Committee appointed by the Italian Ministry of Justice with the task to formulate the decrees implementing the law 19.10.2017 n. 155 on the revision of the Italian insolvency law.
  • Invited at the meeting Insolvency and Security Interests organized by the Italian Foreign Affairs Ministry (Rome, 16 May 2018).
  • For the Italian Superior School of Judiciary: speaker (Course Il punto sulla giurisprudenza della Corte di giustizia e della Corte di cassazione in materia di cooperazione giudiziaria, cod. FPFP24008, on-line, 31 May 2024); speaker and coordinator of study group (Course Questioni attuali in tema di diritto internazionale privato: giurisdizione, litispendenza, assistenza giudiziaria e riconoscimento delle decisioni nel contenzioso civile transnazionale extra UE, cod. P22036, on-line, 29 April 2022); speaker (Course Tutela internazionale del credito commerciale dopo la pandemia, progetto EJNita-Building Bridges, cod. FPFP21011, on-line, 6 June 2021); speaker and coordinator of study group (Course Pratica della cooperazione giudiziaria in materia civile, Scandicci, 21-23 October 2013); coordinator of the study group Individuazione del giudice competente e delle regole applicabili al merito (Course I contratti fra imprese nella prospettiva internazionale: profili sostanziali e processuali, poject EJNita-Building Bridges, cod. FPFP21015, on-line, 18 October 2021); coordinator of study group (Course Sovranità territoriale e spazi internazionali: il mare, la terra, il cosmo, cod. P19045, Scandicci, 27-29 May 2019).
  • Co-chairman at the workshop Treatment of aspects of group liquidating within the seminar Cooperation between members of the judiciary and other actors dealing with cross-border insolvency proceedings organized by the Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature, Institut de Formation Judiciaire and European Judicial Training Network (Paris, 13-15 January 2015, in co-operation with President Luciano Panzani).
  • Chairman at the workshop Treatment of aspects of group liquidating within the seminar Cooperation between members of the judiciary and other actors dealing with cross-border insolvency proceedings organized by the Institut de Formation Judiciaire (Belgium) in conjunction with the European Judicial Training Network (Durbuy, 21-24 October 2014).
  • Independent Expert able to assist the European Commission in the field of justice, freedom and security (call JLS-2007/S 140-172522) (2014).
  • Member of the Group of experts on improving the efficiency of the enforcement of judgments in the EU – the attachment of bank accounts, appointed by the European Commission (Brussels, 2011).



  • Meeting L’invasione dell’Ucraina e le risposte della comunità internazionale, Centro interdipartimentale UNIBA sul diritto internazionale e dell’Unione europea “Vincenzo Starace” (4 March 2022);
  • On-line meeting Contenzioso internazionale e avvocatura within the meeting rounds Carriere internazionali organized by Centro interdipartimentale UNIBA sul diritto internazionale e dell’Unione europea “Vincenzo Starace” (14 May 2021);
  • On-line seminar La Zona Economica Esclusiva italiana: ragioni, ambito, delimitazione e sfide (Italian Navy - UNIBA, 27 April 2021);
  • Rounds Colloqui di Diritto internazionale with Amedeo Antonucci, Commander of the Nautical School Italian of Financial Police; Salvatore Vella, Adjunct Prosecutor at the Tribunal of Agrigento; Pietro Franzina, Full Professor of International Law, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan (UNIBA Law Department, 3 November, 17 November, 1 December 2020);
  • Conference I porti italiani alla prova dei mercati internazionali (UNIBA, Fondazione Scuola Forense Barese, AdSP Mare Adriatico Meridionale under the auspices of Associazione Italiana di Diritto Marittimo, AdSP Mar Ionio, Assoporti, International Propeller Clubs – Bari, 15 November 2019);
  • Lectio magistralis of Staffan de Mistura La sicurezza nell'area euromediterranea, University of Bari Aldo Moro - Italian Navy (Taranto, 7 November 2019);
  • International Conference Cross-Border Business Crisis: International and European Horizons, LUISS School of Law - International Law Association (Italian Branch) - International Insolvency Institute (Rome, 3-4 November 2017). The Conference gathered the findings of the Study Group Cross-border Insolvency and National Legal Orders established by the Italian Branch of the International Law Association (2016-2018);
  • Round Table Immigrazione irregolare nel Mar Mediterraneo: aspetti giuridico-operativi organized in collaboration with Fondazione Marittima Michelagnoli (Taranto, 23 May 2017);
  • Opening meeting of the Summer School ADR: Current and Evolving Challenges (Taranto, 12 September 2016, UNIBA);
  • Congress «La Convenzione europea dei diritti dell’uomo. Giornata in ricordo del prof. Vincenzo Starace» (Bari, 24 June 2016, UNIBA);
  • Meeting «I ricorsi alla Corte europea dei diritti dell'uomo: condizioni di ammissibilità e nuove regole di presentazione» (Application to ECHR: Admissibility Grounds and New Rules on Filing) (Taranto, 14 February 2014, in co-operation with Taranto Barrister Council);
  • Round Table «Golfo di Taranto e fauna marina: sfide per una gestione ecosostenibile dell’Area Jonica» (Gulf of Taranto and Marine Resources: Challenges for an Eco-sustainable Management of the Jonian Area) (Taranto, 25 March 2013);
  • Introduction to «Studi in onore di Vincenzo Starace» (Essays in Honour of Vincenzo Starace) and related Congress «La Convenzione europea dei diritti dell’uomo e l’Italia» (The European Convention on Human Rights and Italy) (Bari, 4 October 2008);
  • Third Meeting of the Young Scholars of International Law (Bari, 29-30 September 2005).


  • Scientific Advisor for the Italian Navy (2022-2023; 2024-2025).
  • Recognized by Lawdragon as one of the 500 Leading Global Bankruptcy & Restructuring Lawyers for 2020.
  • American Society of International Law (2012-2021). Member of the Private International Law Prize Committee (2015). Past co-editor for the Europe Section of «Commentaries on Private International Law», newsletter of the Private International Law Interest Group (2015).
  • Conference on European Restructuring and Insolvency Law (2020). Conferee by invitation.
  • CONISMA Consortium (Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Scienze del Mare) joining the Marine Board of the European Science Foundations (2012-).
  • European Association of Private International Law (2020-).
  • INSOL Europe (2023-).
  • International Insolvency Institute (2016-). Member by invitation. Member of the Academic Committee.
  • International Law Association (2013-). Member of the Italian Branch’s Directive Committee (2014-2021). 
  • Italian Arbitration Association (2016-).
  • Italian Association of Maritime Law (2019-).
  • Italian Society of International Law (2001-).
    • Member of the Management Committee, Interest Group of Private International Law (2024-2026).
    • Member of the «Daniele Padovani» Prize Committee (2015, 2017).



  • Italian (native), English (Advanced), French (Advanced). 



pubblicato il 28/03/2016 ultima modifica 04/06/2024

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