Curriculum Vitae

Born in Bari (Italy) on May 5th 1962

Full CV available here

• 2018-today: Full Professor in Theoretical Physics, Physics Department, University of Bari
• 2002-2018: Associate Professor in Theoretical Physics, Physics Department, University of Bari
• 1995-1996: Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Theoretical Physics, Oxford University
• 1992-2002: Researcher, Physics Department, University of Bari

• October 1990: PhD in Theoretical Physics, University of Bari.
• July 1986: Laurea Degree in Physics (MSc.), University of Bari (110/110 cum laude)
• July 1980: High school diploma, Liceo Classico ``Socrate'', Bari

• 2019 Associate Member of the Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics, Edinburgh (ongoing)

• 2020-today: PON ARS01_00849 Extreme, full responsible of activities of the Physics Dept of University of Bari, IT
• 2016-2018: PRIN 2012 NNRKAF, Disentangling Complexity Patterns in Biological Systems (local unit coordinator (LUC)), MIUR
• 2010-2015: PRIN 2009 SKNEWA, Dynamics of communities, LUC, MIUR
• 2010-2013: PRIN 2004, Rilassamenti lenti ed Universalita': dalla Materia Soffice ai Granulari, LUC, MIUR
• 2010-2012: PRIN 2002, Concetti Unificanti nelle Transizioni di Jamming di Sistemi Complessi, LUC, MIUR
• 2012-2015: PON 02-00576-3333604 INNOVHEAD, responsible of activities OR 8,6-8.7, IT
• 2011-2013: PON 01-02238, responsible of activity OR 3.2, IT

More than 25 invited lectures and talks.
Key invited talks and lectures in the last 5 years:
• MECO45 – 45nd Conference of the Middle-European Cooperation in Statistical Physics:
"Phase behavior of active particle systems", Cluj (Romania) (2020)
• StatPhys 27 International Conference on Statistical Physics:
"Phase diagram of active disks in two dimensions", Buenos Aires (2019)
• Complex Active and Adaptive Material Systems Morphology:
"Flow patterns and rheology in active emulsions", Ventura (California) (2019)
• From Complex Fluid to Active Matter, DSFD 2018:
"Phase coexistence in bidimensional passive and active particle systems", Worcester (USA) (2018)
• International Conference on Unsolved Problems on Noise UPON2018:
"Large fluctuations and dynamic phase transition in active brownian particle systems", Danzica (2018)
• From Complex Fluid to Active Matter COST conference:
"Phase coexistence in bidimensional passive and active particle systems, Nice (Francia) (2018)
• Statistical Field Theory and Applications, SISSA workshop:
"Phase coexistence in bidimensional passive and active particle systems", Trieste (2017)
• Flowing Matter 2017:
"Lamellar ordering, droplet formation and phase inversion in exotic active emulsions", Porto (Portugal) (2017)
• Fluids and Structures: Interactions and Modeling:
"Phase coexistence in bidimensional passive and active particle systems", Napoli (2017)
• XXI National Meeting on Statistical and Complex Physics:
"Diffusion, fluctuations and phase separation in a system of active particles", Parma (2016)
• Encontro National de Fisica Estatistica:
"Diffusion and fluctuations in an active matter system, Vitoria (Brasile) (2015)
• FISMAT 2015 - Italian National Conference on Condensed Matter Physics:
"Phase separation and coarsening in an active system", Palermo (2015)
• Dynamics in soft and hard condensed matter Intern. Conf.:
"Diffusion, fluctuations and coarsening in an active dumbbell system", Buenos Aires (2015)

• University Courses:
Statistical Physics (since 2017, Master Degree in Physics, Bari);
Advanced Statistical Physics (since 2008, Master Degree in Physics, Bari);
Non-linear Physics (since 2002, First Level degree in Physics, Bari);
Fluidodynamical instabilities (2017 and 2018, Physics PhD, Bari);
Theory of irreversible phenomena (2005-2007, Master Degree in Physics, Bari);
Fundamentals of quantum physics (2002-2004, First level Degree in Applied Physics, Bari);
General Physics (1992-2002, different courses, Biology and Electrical Engeneering, Bari);
• Tutoring
> 7 Postdocs
12 PhD students
23 Master students (laurea magistrale)
14 BSc students (laurea triennale)

• Statistical Mechanics and Field Theory SMFT, member of the scientific commitee from 2002
• SoftDays 2019, member of the organizing committee, Bari

•Editorial work
2006-today: Advisory Editorial Board, Journal of Physics A
2000-2003: Editorial Board, Journal of Physics A
• Journal Referee for: Scient. Rep., PRL, PRE, PRB, PRX, J. Phys. A, EPL, Physica A & D, EPJB; J. Stat. Phys., etc
• Project Reviewer for: National Science Foundation, MIUR
• PhD Committee: Edinburgh, Oxford, Barcelona, Timisoara, Politecnico Torino, Padova, Sapienza, Salerno, Napoli

ISI – WoS (book not included)
h-index: 25 (+google)
Number of published articles: 132
Citations: 2112 (+google)
Citations without self-citations: 1657
Average citation per item: 16

10 most cited publications: (WoS, 2021):
1. Gonnella et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 1695 (1997). Cit:95
2. Lamura et al., Europhys. Lett. 45, 314 (1999). Cit:88
3. Digregorio et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 09803 (2018). Cit:84
4. Sofonea et al., Phys. Rev. E 70, 046702 (2004). Cit:84
5. Corberi et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 4057 (1999). Cit:83
6. Corberi et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 3852 (1998). Cit:74
7. Xu et al., Phys. Rev. E 67, 056105 (2003). Cit:73
8. Xu et al., Physica A 33, 10 (2004). Cit:64
9. Tiribocchi et al., Phys. Rev. E 80, 026701 (2009). Cit:58
10.Gonnella et al., Phys. Rev. E 76, 036703 (2007). Cit: 55

pubblicato il 13/02/2021 ultima modifica 15/02/2021

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