
Graduated with honors in Veterinary Medicine in 1997 (University of Bari).

Since 2005 Delia Franchini is Researcher of Veterinary Surgery at the Department of Veterinary Medicine of Bari, since 2020 she is Associate Professor of Veterinary Surgery.

In 1999 she spent a training period at The Animal Medical Center in New York.

In 2001 she obtained the PhD in "Anesthesiology of domestic animals" (University of Messina).

She specialized in 2004 in "Pathology and Clinic of Pets" (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Milan).

From 2008 to 2015 she was a member of the Joint Teaching Commission of the Veterinary Medicine Degree Course at the University of Bari.

From 2011 to 2015 she was a member of the Academic Board of the PhD in "Animal Health and Zoonosis".

Since 2015 you have been a member of the OPBA (Animal welfare committee) of the University of Bari.

Teaching at the Degree Course in "Veterinary Medicine" of the University of Bari: Veterinary Anesthesiology (2005-06); Soft tissue surgery (2004-2008), Surgical medicine (2007-2016). Since 2010  teaching at the School of Specialization in Infectious Diseases, Prophylaxis and Veterinary Police: "Nosocomial infections and management of hospitalized animals". Since 2022 lecturer in Clinical Surgical Practical Activity Discipline of the integrated examination of veterinary surgery 2. Since 2020 Lecturer Master Conservation Medicine of Aquatic Animals University of Padua

pubblicato il 31/10/2013 ultima modifica 20/07/2023

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