
Born in Taranto on 31 January 1961. Associate Professor of Veterinary Surgery, professor of Veterinary Surgical Semeiotics (1998-2001) of Veterinary Radiology (1998-2009 and 2016 to 2020) and of Veterinary Surgical Pathology (2001 to date) in the Degree Course Master's degree (LM42) in Veterinary Medicine.

From 2006 to 2014 he was President of the Order of Veterinary Doctors of the Province of Taranto.

From December 2018 to January 2022 he was Coordinator of the Degree Course in Veterinary Medicine (LM42) of the University of Bari.

Since December 2022 he has held the position of President of the Order of Veterinary Doctors of the Province of Bari.

Since 2005 he has been a member of the Scientific Coordination Committee of WWF Italy in the project to protect and safeguard sea turtles.

He is scientific consultant of important Marine Turtle Recovery Centers in Southern Italy [Lampedusa (AG), Brancaleone (RC), Capo Rizzuto (KR), Policoro (MT), Molfetta (BA), Torre Guaceto (BR)].

The main research activity was initially focused on orthopedics and diagnostic imaging of small animals. For about 20 years he has been involved in sea turtle surgery in which he has developed new operating techniques for the extraction of accidentally ingested hooks and lines from the digestive tract. Currently in these animals he is developing studies on the repair of lesions of the armour, skull and limbs, on the study of gas embolism following accidental capture with trawl nets, on specialized imaging diagnostics and on new pharmacological protocols for anesthesia and analgesia.

The research activity is evidenced by over 100 scientific publications in national and international journals and presented at conferences.

Co-author of a chapter of the book "Veterinary Radiology" (Idelson-Gnocchi, Naples).

Curator and co-author of the book "Sea turtle management manual", published within the Netcet Project, co-financed by the European Union within the IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Program Adriatic 2007-2013.

Editor and co-author of two chapters of the book "Sea Turtle Health and Rehabilitation" J. Ross Publishing.

pubblicato il 31/10/2013 ultima modifica 05/08/2023

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