
Degree in Veterinary Medicine in 2002 with 110/110 cum laude. Member of the Professional Order of Veterinary Medicine. Since 2002 to 2004 we worked as manager in a farm animal feed producing international company.  Researcher since 2004 and since 2007 adjunct professor and confimerd university researcher at the University of Bari. Since 2004 he Taugh classes related to the scientific sector "07 / G1 - Animal Science and Technologies" in degree courses, Postgraduate Schools and Doctorate, Masters, Training Courses (Morphological and Functional evaluation of domestic animals, Farm Animal management, Farm animals rearing and breeding technologies, Rabbit breeding, Morphological evaluation of fishes of economic interest, Breeding techniques and quality of food of animal origin, Physio-Climatology, Famr hygiene, Farm animal ethology and welfare). He has spoken in several conferences for farmers and veterinaries, but also in several international and national scientific conferences and congresses, also as invited speaker. He was and actually is the principal investigator of several research projects, as well as  member of the research team granted by national and international funds, but also by private grants. In 2007 he received the award "Agrosud", as the best research project for improving livestock development in the Southern part of Italy. Over the years he has held various academic positions, such as elective member of the council of the department, Member of teaching commissions for several degree courses. He is currently responsible for practical training with livestock (for all the degree courses of the Department),  member of the educational guidance commission, member of the Department Board, member of the Research Commission, the Deputy for Department Director for  the optimization of teaching costs. He is 'peer-reviewer for many international journals ranked by ISI and/or Scopus. He has been technical member of the National Commission for organic farming CooCerAB. since 2009 he is member of the Scientific Association of Animal Production (ASPA) and the European Association of Animal Production (EAAP). He is member of the Board of Directors of the spin off company "Find". Actually he is cooperating with several national and European research centers for research in Animal Science.

pubblicato il 31/10/2013 ultima modifica 07/07/2016

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