
Main research topics:

It carries out its research activity in the field of pathology, health and well-being of the cattle and of the diseases transmitted by the arthropods of cattle, horses and sheep-goats. Co-author of 125 publications in national and international journals. Speaker at numerous national and international conferences.

Research projects: - Scientific coordinator of the national research project "Tick-borne diseases: anaplasmosis, babesiosis and theileriosis of bovine, ovi-caprine and horse, POM 1994-1999, financed with 770 million lire - funds of European Union and the Italian State.

- Scientific responsible for a regional research project, as part of Action 6.4 of POR ERDF - ESF 2014 - 2020 "Use of refined waste water for the production of hydroponic forage for livestock feeding (Hydrofodderpuglia)"; financed with € 654,000 - European Union funds.

pubblicato il 06/06/2013 ultima modifica 23/07/2018

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