
Reception hours

Tuesday - Wednesday 12.30-16.30 Infectious Diseases Section of the Department of Veterinary Medicine, room 18.

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Teaching materials

Courses assigned in the Specialist/Master's Degree Course in Veterinary Medicine (Academic Year 2022-2023)

  1. Biosafety (15 hours) of the Master's Degree in Veterinary Medicine (LM/42) at the Department of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Bari;
  2. Diagnostics of infectious diseases in dogs and cats (15 hours) as part of the teaching path of Dog and Cat Clinic, of the Master's Degree in Veterinary Medicine (LM/42) at the Department of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Studies of Bari;
  3. Internship in Infectious Animal Diseases (18 hours) of the Master's Degree in Veterinary Medicine (LM/42) at the Department of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Bari;

1. Teaching Program of Biosafety (FRONTAL TEACHING):

  • Regulatory compliance required by the law on safety in the workplace and biosecurity (DL 626/94, DL 81/08 and subsequent updates;
  • Uniba health and safety regulation (DR 1144 of 04/18/2018);
  • Collective Protection Devices (DPC);
  • Personal protective equipment (PPE);
  • Health and safety signs;
    First aid, behavior to adopt in case of emergencies and fires;
  • Definition of risk and danger (Risk assessment and hazard analysis);
  • Chemical risk: substance toxicity, short and long term effects;
  • Biological risk: pathogens and classification for human risk of zoonotic agents;
  • Risk from genetically modified microorganisms (GMMOs).
    Categories of individuals particularly at risk;
  • Organization of laboratories for the purpose of handling zoonotic agents;
  • Pathogens for animals but not for humans, and diffusible agents that require strict biosafety standards in handling (Veterinary Police Regulations);
  • Physical risk in veterinary laboratories and university facilities (radiation, noise, vibration, electromagnetic fields);
  • Radio-protection;
  • Risk associated with contact with animals and correct approach to sick and/or hospitalized animals. Biosafety in veterinary surgeries / surgical rooms, necropsy rooms;
  • Waste disposal management;
  • Chemical and biological spill-over;
    Concept of sustainability in the use and disposal of reagents: green chemistry;


  • Use of equipment material safety data sheets.
  • Personal protective equipment.
  • Dpi gloves for chemical and biological risk.
  • Pictograms. En 374, 388, en 407, en 511.
  • WHO; guidelines; hand washing; soaps; sanitizing gels; surgical masks (en 14683).

Educational material: lecture notes.

2. Teaching program of Diagnostics of Infectious Diseases of dogs and cats

  • Cell cultures; serum neutralization; sowing of the sample on bacteriological media; antibiogram.
  • Interpretation of the blood count in the course of infectious diseases of the dog and cat.

Reference texts: lecture notes.

3. Didactic program of the Training Internship of Infectious Animal Diseases

  • Organization of the laboratories of the section of infectious diseases;
  • instrumentation;
  • sampling;
  • cell cultures and virological diagnostics;
  • bacteriological diagnostics;
  • molecular biology techniques for the diagnosis of infectious diseases;
  • planning/organization of external ASL training internship;
  • planning/organization of external training internships for Zooprophylactic Institutes;
  • planning/organization of an external training internship for UVAC PIF.

Courses assigned in the three-year degree course (L38) in Animal Sciences (Academic Year 2022-2023)

  1. Prophylaxis of infectious diseases of pets (45 hours) in the Degree Course in Animal Sciences - class L38;
  2. Practical internship of infectious diseases of pets and prophylaxis (25 hours) at the Degree Course in Animal Sciences - class L38;

1. Teaching program of Prophylaxis of infectious diseases of companion animals:

  • Environmental hygiene: Atmospheric air, atmospheric air pollution, water, waste.
  • Hygiene of dog and cat farms: Cleaning, disinfection and sterilization practices; facility requirements shelter, construction characteristics of kennels and shelters.
  • Ministry of Health and General Directorate of Animal Health and Veterinary Medicines.
  • Prophylaxis of Infectious Diseases: Etiological agents of the main infectious diseases of dogs and cats;
  • Symptoms of the main dog and cat infections;
  • Immunoprophylaxis.
  • Core and non-core vaccinations of pets.
  • Prophylaxis for COVID-19 in animals used for pet therapy;
  • Prophylaxis for COVID-19 in owner dogs and cats and shelter residents.

Reference texts: 

- Marinelli P et al. Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health, ed. little one.
- Poli-Cocilovo, Veterinary microbiology and immunology, UTET.
- Lecture notes.

2. Practical training program of infectious diseases of domestic animals and prophylaxis


pubblicato il 31/10/2013 ultima modifica 03/09/2023

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