Biosanitary Sciences Diagnostic Curriculum 2020-21

Year 1

First semester
Courses and activities S.S.D. ECTS (Total) ECTS (Les) ECTS (Lab/Ex) Teachers
Parasitology BIO/05 4 4   Corriero Giuseppe
Human genetics BIO/18 6 5,5 0,5 L Archidiacono Nicoletta
Molecular Biology of Human Pathologies      BIO/11 8 7,5 0,5 L Chimienti Guglielmina
Hygiene applied MED/42 6 6   Montagna Maria Teresa
Total ECTS   24      
Second semester
Courses and activities S.S.D. ECTS (Total) ECTS (Les) ECTS (Lab/Ex) Teachers
Histological and Ultrastructural techniques BIO/06 6 5,5 0,5 L  Mastrodonato Maria
Medical Biochemistry BIO/10 10 9 1 L Fiermonte Giuseppe
General Pathology  MED/04 9 8 1 L Colucci Mario
Total ECTS   25      
Year 2
First semester
Courses and activities S.S.D. ECTS  (Total) ECTS  (Les) ECTS (Lab/Ex) Teachers
Human Physiology BIO/09 6 5,5 0,5 L Colella Matilde
Diagnostic research in molecular genetics  BIO/18 4 4   Archidiacono Nicoletta
Credits of your choice**   4 4    
Credits of your choice**   4 4    
Total ECTS   18      
Second semester
Courses and activities S.S.D. ECTS (Total) ECTS (Les) ECTS (Lab/Ex) Teachers
Clinical microbiology MED/07 4 4   Monno Rosa
Neurobiology BIO/09 4 4   Debellis Lucantonio
Internship   6      
Final test   39      
Total   53      
(**) On the basis of ministerial directives, the 8 credits chosen by the student constitute a single exam. If the student acquires these credits through several exams relating to courses with a lower number of credits, the arithmetic average of the individual evaluations achieved will be taken into account for the final evaluation.
pubblicato il 24/11/2020 ultima modifica 29/03/2024

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