Internship and Thesis

Internship opportunities

The internship can be carried out at (i) university facilities or at (ii) national or foreign public or private institutions with which specific agreements have been established. In order to apply for an internship, students must have acquired 40 credits. The expected duration of the internship is 400 hours (16 CFU). The application for admission to the internship, preferably submitted concurrently with the thesis application, should be presented through a specific online form at least six months before the expected graduation date and at least 15 days before the start of the activity. The CISTeM or the Board assigns the supervision of the internship activity to an internal didactic tutor. At the end of the internship period, the internal tutor, the supervisor, and the student provide an evaluation of the internship experience on the prepared online form (Activity or recognition).

Students enrolled in the Bioref curriculum will follow the study program regulated by the Consortium Agreement of the ERASMUS Mundus Joint Master in Biorefinery, as well as what is reported in the Grant Agreement. In any case, students must submit their application using the online form "Internship and Thesis Application," which includes the Bioref option. At the end of the internship period, the internal tutor, the supervisor, and the student provide an evaluation of the internship experience on the prepared online form (Activity or recognition)

  • List of training opportunities at the University of Bari
  • List of training opportunities at affiliated institutions, along with the necessary information to access them.
  • List of training opportunities at Non-Affiliated institutions.

Degree Schedule

The pre-graduation interview is mandatory for all candidates and should take place between one week and a couple of days before the defense date. The pre-graduation interview is public and can be held either online or in person, with the thesis advisor and the opponent both in attendance. The opponent is kindly requested to fill out the following form (Depending on the student enrollment, please replace LM-53, before A.A. 2023/2024, with L-MSc.Mat., after A.A. 2023/2024) and send it to the committee chair and/or the course coordinator.

Academic Year 2023/2024

Defence Dates Deadline Application CISTeM - Form Deadline Application at the Student Services - ESSE3 portal Thesis delivery at the Student Services
23.07.2024 see Didatic regulation from 21 to 30.04.2024 two weeks before
26.09.2024 see Didatic regulation from 21 to 30.04.2024 two weeks before
18.12.2024 see Didatic regulation from 1 to 10.09.2024 two weeks before
14.04.2025 see Didatic regulation from 1 to 10.12.2024 two weeks before

Academic Year 2022/2023

Defence Dates Deadline Application CISTeM - Form Deadline Application at the Student Services - ESSE3 portal Thesis delivery at the Student Services
25.07.2023 see Didatic regulation from 21 to 30.04.2023 two weeks before
26.09.2023 see Didatic regulation from 21 to 30.04.2023 two weeks before
14.12.2023 see Didatic regulation from 1 to 10.09.2023 two weeks before
19.04.2024 see Didatic regulation from 1 to 10.12.2023 two weeks before

pubblicato il 29/11/2016 ultima modifica 05/06/2024

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