
Exam Schedule

At least 8 exam sessions are scheduled as follows:

3/4 exams during the winter session between January and February (at least 5 days after the end of the semester)

4/5 exams during the summer session between June and September (at least 5 days after the end of the semester)

1 exam in April and 1 exam in November

*The exam periods are set year by year: academic calendar

For candidates of the extraordinary graduation session of June 14th, 2023, two additional extraordinary exam sessions (exclusively for the academic year 2021/22) are reserved from May 8th to May 20th, 2023, for students who will apply for graduation in the extraordinary session of June 2023. To be admitted to the extraordinary sessions, it will be necessary to book on ESSE3 by attaching the receipt of the application for graduation submitted for the June 2023 graduation session.

Intra-semester exams may be held for all students during the weeks of academic suspension established by CISTeM (academic calendar). Exams outside the sessions are reserved for students who are out of the course or enrolled in the last semester of the third year after the end of lessons.

pubblicato il 22/04/2023 ultima modifica 05/06/2024

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