Course Overview

The Master's Degree program in Materials Science and Technology (LM-Sc.Mat.) has replaced the previous LM-53 program, offering a comprehensive and dynamic educational experience for aspiring materials scientists. LM-Sc.Mat. takes an innovative approach by providing courses only in English, enhancing the internationalization processes for incoming and outgoing students.

The LM-Sc.Mat. program offers two distinct curricula, catering to the diverse interests and career aspirations of students.

  • The Scientific Curriculum has been thoughtfully designed to provide a strong foundation in chemistry and physics, which is then applied in the design and characterization of biomedical and environment sensors, biomaterials, and nanostructured materials. Students delve into the world of nanotechnology, exploring cutting-edge techniques and emerging trends. The third semester further sharpens their expertise with specialized courses on surface modification techniques using lasers and plasma.
  • The Bioref Curriculum is part of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Degrees Program of the European Union, allowing students to collaborate with prestigious universities in France (Université de Lille and Université de technologie de Troyes) and Poland (Politechnika Krakowska). Bioref curriculum is regulated by the Erasmus Mundus agreement BIOREF.

One of the distinguishing features of LM-Sc.Mat. is the emphasis on hands-on practical training. Students are exposed to state-of-the-art laboratories and advanced methodologies, equipping them with essential experimental skills. Throughout the program, they learn to correlate material properties and functions across various observation scales, ranging from nanoscopic to macroscopic dimensions, taking a multidisciplinary approach that integrates knowledge from chemistry, physics, and engineering.

The flexibility of LM-Sc.Mat. allows students to tailor their educational journey, selecting elective courses that align with their individual interests and career goals. This personalized approach empowers them to develop unique expertise and specialization within the field of materials science and technology.

The culmination of the program is the final examination, where students undertake a thesis in either experimental or theoretical research. This opportunity enables them to apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios, contributing to the advancement of materials science and technology through original research.

The LM-Sc.Mat. program is driven by a team of passionate and experienced faculty members dedicated to nurturing the next generation of materials scientists. They provide guidance and mentorship to students, fostering an environment of intellectual curiosity and collaboration.

Relatively to the Scientific curriculum at the end of the educational path, students acquire in-depth knowledge and develop skills in the field of growth, synthesis, characterization, and functionalization of organic materials, polymers, and hybrids, as well as sensing and surface technologies (laser and plasma).

A job placement rate of over 92% is observed, with numerous professional opportunities in industries such as chemical, energy, mechanical, and certainly in the world of scientific research. Access to research positions can be achieved through a Ph.D. in Physical or Chemical Sciences or through inter-university Ph.D. programs such as Industry 4.0 and Engineering and Aerospace Sciences.

We invite aspiring materials scientists to embark on this exciting educational journey with us, exploring the boundless possibilities and endless potential of Materials Science and Technology.

pubblicato il 03/06/2016 ultima modifica 05/06/2024

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