Info in breif

Educational objectives

The course of study in Materials Science and Technology has as its primary objective the deepening of knowledge regarding the structural, electronic, optical, mechanical, and chemical properties of materials, as well as the technologies for the characterization, synthesis, and preparation of innovative materials. Specifically, the focus is on biomedical and environmental sensors, biomaterials, nanostructured materials, and surface modification techniques using lasers and plasma.

Admissions Requirements

Students who have obtained a first-level degree or an equivalent foreign qualification with at least 10 CFUs (ECTS) in each of the scientific disciplines CHIM/##, FIS/##, and MAT/## can enroll. The course of study has an open number of places. All students must submit an admission application for the preliminary access interview. The interview will be conducted in the English language. For more info check Admissions Requirements.

Teaching modules

All the teaching modules are listed in the educational regulations, and their respective syllabi are available here. The Internship is worth 16 ECTS, while the Final Exam is worth 13 ECTS, and these activities can be combined if necessary. Additionally, there are 12 ECTS of elective courses for the student to choose from.

Professional opportunities

The training is suitable both for entering the world of industry and services (37% of graduates) and for pursuing a career in scientific research (50% of graduates). Other professional opportunities for graduates in Materials Science and Technology include scientific communication, teaching, and scientific departments within law enforcement forces.

pubblicato il 03/06/2016 ultima modifica 05/06/2024

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