Admissions Requirements

The study program has an open enrollment policy, and all students with at least 10 Crediti Formativi Universitari (CFU) equivalent to European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) in each of the scientific disciplinary sectors

  • CHIM/##,
  • FIS/##,
  • MAT/##,

along with a certification of English language proficiency at level B2 or C1, can be admitted. The bachelor's degree of the incoming student is irrelevant if the previous prerequisites are verified. In any case, the English language proficiency will be assessed along with the student's motivations through a teleconference interview following the admission request.

For prospective students, there are two separate procedures: didactic and administrative.

  • Regarding the didactic procedure, you are welcome to send your request for enrollment evaluation in Materials Science and Technology to the Director of Studies, Prof. Luigi Gentile, at (cc: Mr. Michele Marchitto at including the transcript of exams taken with evaluations, and if possible, the number of hours or credits, along with other certifications such as language ones.
  • Regarding the administrative procedure, the pre-enrollment takes place through the portal Universitaly. For additional information, please check here
pubblicato il 25/09/2013 ultima modifica 05/06/2024

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