

The Director of the Department of Veterinary Medicine (DeMeV) represents the Department, presides over the Council and the Board and takes care of the execution of the respective resolutions, promotes the activities of the Department with the collaboration of the Board, maintains relations with the other Bodies of the University and exercises all the other attributions foreseen by the laws, by the Statute and by the Regulations of the University of Bari. 

Since 15 December 2021, Prof. Nicola Decaro has held the position of Director of DiMeV (D.R. n. 4518 of 12/15/2021) for the academic four-year period 2021-2025 
Office hours

Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 13:00 by previously appointment 

published on May 24, 2023 last modified Jun 15, 2023

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