Public Lecture on October 26, 2022: Gemma Marolda (University of Pittsburgh)


The lecture centers around three themes: governance; multilevel governance; and, migration governance and politics in Europe. First, it centers around ‘governance’ as concept and theory, including a discussion on the role of the State in contemporary times. Second, the lecture centers on the link between governance and migration (and human mobility in general).  Here, the focus is multi-level governance (MLG) as concept and as theory.  The third and final objective of the lecture is to introduce Europe as the best example of MLG, including a discussion on how MLG can be used to change the state-centric narrative on migration.


Wednesday October 26, 2022
Aula Buono, Palazzo Del Prete
Università degli Studi di Bari
2:30-4:30 pm

The lecturer

Gemma Marolda is teaching faculty in Political Science and affiliated faculty of the Ford Institute for Human Security, the European Studies Center, and the Asian Studies Center at the University of Pittsburgh. Her research on Europe is centered on the migration challenge in the Central Mediterranean, especially state and non-state actors’ role in search and rescue operations at sea. Her research was recently published in an EJML’s article entitled “From Humanitarian Rescue to Border Security: Managing Migration in the Central Mediterranean.”


Dr. Irene Paolino


Department of Political Sciences

University of Bari 'Aldo Moro'

Via Suppa 9, 70121 BARI

published on Nov 21, 2023 last modified Feb 09, 2024

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