Inaugural Public Lecture on October 6, 2022: Enrica Rigo (University of Roma Tre)

The of The Jean Monnet Course 'Migration, Borders and Human Rights' inaugural public lecture for the academic year 2022/2023 was dedicated to migration and exploitation, analysed from a gender-oriented perspective. In particular, Enrica Rigo (University of Roma Tre) discussed her latest book titled 'La straniera. Migrazioni, asilo e sfruttamento in una prospettiva di genere' (Carocci Editore) with Erminia Rizzi (ASGI).


Thursday, October 6th, 2022 Room 1, Palazzo Del Prete University of Bari Time: 9:30-11:30 AM

The Lecturer

EnricaRigo is a Philosophy of LawAssociate Professor at University “Roma Tre” where she founded and coordinates the Clinic for Rights, Immigration, and Citizenship, operating since 2010 at the same University. Her research topics include: citizenship, migration, critical legal theories, access to justice, and legal clinics. She is the author of numerous publications on migration, gender, citizenship, asylum law, and access to justice, including 'Europa di confine. Trasformazioni della cittadinanza nell’Unione allargata' (Meltemi, 2007), and the editor of 'Leggi, migranti e caporali. Prospettive critiche e di ricerca sullo sfruttamento del lavoro in agricoltura' (Pacini, 2015)."



Dr. Irene Paolino


Department of Political Sciences

University of Bari 'Aldo Moro'

Via Suppa 9, 70121 BARI

published on Nov 21, 2023 last modified Feb 09, 2024

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