Inaugural Public Lecture on October 13, 2023: Claudio Minca (University of Bologna)

The inaugural public lecture of the Jean Monnet Course 'Migration, Borders and Human Rights' for the academic year 2023/2024 is dedicated to the theme of the camp as a political-spatial technology for containing human mobility.


Friday, October 13th , 2023 Room G. Regeni, Palazzo Del Prete University of Bari Time: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

The lecturer

Claudio Minca is a full professor of political geography at the University of Bologna, where, among other things, he coordinates the ERC Advanced Grant project 'The GAME: Counter-mapping informal refugee mobilities along the Balkan Route.' His research themes include the theory and methods of geography, critical geopolitics, political theory of space. He is the author of numerous publications, including 'Appunti di Geografia' (2022), 'Camps Revisited' (2019, with I. Katz and D. Martin), 'After Heritage' (2018, with H. Muzaini), 'Hitler’s Geographies' (2016, with P. Giaccaria), 'Moroccan Dreams' (2016, with L. Wagner), 'On Schmitt and Space' (2015, with R. Rowan)."



Dr. Irene Paolino


Department of Political Sciences

University of Bari 'Aldo Moro'

Via Suppa 9, 70121 BARI

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published on Nov 21, 2023 last modified Feb 09, 2024

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