The Regulation of University Masters degree programmes, and short Masters degree programmes

Decree no. 2488 

The Rector

Considering law no. 341 of 19.11.1990;

Considering Ministerial Decree no. 270 of 22.10.2004 on “Modifications to the Regulation establishing the rules concerning the teaching autonomy of Universities passed by Ministerial Decree no. 509 of 3.11.1999 and subsequent modifications”;

Considering the University Statute approved by Rectoral Decree no. 2959 of 14.06.2012 published in the Gazzetta UfficialeSerie Generale no. 157 of 07.07.2012, and particularly art. 45;

Considering the Regulations for assigning teaching and supplementary teaching duties through conferral or by contracts in accordance with art. 23 of law no. 240/2010 approved by Rectoral Decree no. 295 of 23.01.2013;

Considering the Regulations for Masters degrees at the University of Bari Aldo Moro, approved by Rectoral Decree no. 297 of 23.01.2013;

Considering the University Teaching Regulations of the University of Bari Aldo Moro, approved by Rectoral Decree no. 4318 of 12.11.2013, particularly art. 8;

Considering the deliberations of the Academic Senate and of the Board of Directors adopted respectively during the meetings of 01.07.2014 and 08.07.2014,


 that the Regulation concerning the organisation of Masters programmes is approved according to the text attached to the present decree, of which it constitutes an integral part.

Bari, 18 July 2014    

The Rector


The Regulation of University Masters degree programmes, and short Masters degree programmes

Title I

Masters degrees in accordance with Ministerial Decree no. 270 of 22 October 2004 and subsequent modifications

Article 1. Definitions

The University promotes Masters programmes of a first and second level aimed at providing training in highly specialised professional fields, and guarantees the efficacious imparting of knowledge and skills commensurate to job market requirements open to anyone in possession of a first cycle, second cycle or single cycle degree in accordance with Ministerial Decree no. 270 of 22 October 2004 and subsequent modifications and supplements of the University Teaching Regulations and of the present Regulation.

University teacher means full professor, associate professor, or researcher on either full-time or reduced time contracts (‘a tempo definito’), and also assistant professor whose post will not be replaced  (‘Assistenti del ruolo ad esaurimento’).

Coordinator means a university professor who assumes the responsibility for proposing and setting up a Masters programme.

Expert means someone who possesses high scientific and/or professional qualifications and is called upon to engage in teaching activities during the Masters programme.

Course participant means someone in possession of the required qualification who attends a Masters programme.

Auditor means someone who is entitled to attend the whole Masters programme, or individual modules, though not possessing the necessary qualifications for admission.

Participant means someone who is allowed to enrol on individual modules of the Masters programme.

University facilities means the teaching/research departments, Schools, Centres as defined in art. 55 of the Statute of the University of Bari Aldo Moro.


Article 2. General provisions

Masters programmes are carried out through class lectures and other forms of training, guided study, and e-learning commensurate to the level of specialisation and training that students are required  to achieve.

By means of evaluation mechanisms, the University guarantees the quality, efficacy, and efficiency of the learning project, using the means established in the present Regulation.

Besides the above-mentioned activities there are also periods of practical activities  (traineeship/internship) that are functional to the same objectives and to the commitment required for study and individual preparation, for an overall total of at least 1500 hours of which at least 360 must be spent attending class lectures. These activities correspond to 60 university credits (ECTS), which are in addition to the ones acquired to obtain a first cycle, second cycle or single cycle degree, normally distributed across a whole academic year.

In cases of demonstrable special needs, two-year Masters programmes may be set up for activities of at least 3000 hours, of which at least 720 must be dedicated to class lectures, corresponding to at least 120 university credits (ECTS).


Article 3. Admission to University Masters programmes

First-level university Masters programmes are open to anyone in possession of:

  • a university degree of the duration of at least three years (in accordance with regulations prior to Ministerial Decree 509/99);
  • a degree completed in accordance with Ministerial Decree 509/99;
  • a degree completed in accordance with Ministerial Decree 270/04;
  • an equivalent degree completed abroad, officially recognised by the scientific board of the Masters programme for the sole aim of establishing eligibility to enrol on the Masters programme;
  • as established by law no. 1 of 8 January 2002, diplomas completed in accordance with the previous regulation by healthcare professionals as regulated by law no. 42 of 26 February 1999, and by law no. 251 of 10 August 2000, are valid in terms of admission to Masters programmes in healthcare;
  • any other qualification which, according to the laws in force, is acceptable to accede to university Masters programmes.


Second-level university Masters programmes are open to anyone in possession of:

  • a degree obtained in accordance with regulations prior to Ministerial Decree 509/99;
  • a second cycle degree obtained in accordance with Ministerial Decree 509/99;
  • a single cycle degree obtained in accordance with Ministerial Decree 270/04;
  • any other equivalent qualification issued abroad, recognised and authorised by the scientific board of the programme, with the sole aim of establishing eligibility to enrol on the programme.

Admission as auditors to the Masters programme is also possible for students who do not possess the necessary requirements, up to a maximum percentage of 20% of course participants. In such cases, the auditor will receive a certificate of attendance at the end of the programme without having to sit for tests or examinations.

Auditors who have obtained the requirements throughout the programme necessary for admission to the Masters programme, and who have regularly attended, may be upgraded to the status of “course participant” under the authorisation of the Technical and Scientific Committee.

Where the call for applications to Masters programmes allows, enrolment as participants on individual modules is possible. Participants will receive a certificate attesting to their attendance of parts of the programme.

Solely for the purposes of admission to the Masters programme, students in possession of a foreign degree will only be admitted to the Masters programmes if their qualification is duly recognised by the scientific board in accordance with the international agreements in force, on the basis of the original qualification together with a declaration of equivalence translated and authorised by the diplomatic authorities.

Students on mobility programmes  possessing the qualifications required to have access to Masters programmes may enrol on individual modules, sit the examinations, and obtain the relevant qualifications. The financial aspect is subject to the regulations in force in accordance with the Regulations on fees and contributions.

Admission to the Masters programme is subject to successfully passing a selection test (psychometric test, motivational interview, or any other format agreed upon in the call for applications) and the evaluation of the scientific and professional qualifications indicated in the call for applications.

To complete the selection process, the examining commission will be nominated by decree by the Director of the administrative institution. The commission will be made up of no less than three members, plus two reserve members, chosen among the professors and researchers selected by Technical and Scientific Committee.

After the initial selection process, the commission compiles a list in order of merit and sends it to the Rector for approval.

In cases where there is no numerical limit for enrolment on the Masters programme, on the coordinator’s suggestion the Rector may allow for direct enrolment on the Masters programme for all those who have submitted an application in accordance with the regulations governing the call for applications.

It is not allowed to be simultaneously enrolled on a Masters programme and any type of second cycle  (old system) degree programme, specialisation school, PhD programme, other Masters programmes, teacher training courses (either TFA or PAS), specialised teacher training courses to help students with disabilities, Content and Language Integrated Learning methodology improvement courses for teaching non-language subjects in a foreign language, and others.

This incompatibility does not apply to those study programmes or activities for which all teaching and training/internship activities have been completed, and the student has only the final tests and/or final examination to complete. All provisions concerning incompatibility established by specific individual regulations are excluded.

Students enrolled on other study programmes may make a formal request to the competent student secretariat office to suspend their studies for the duration of the Masters programme.

A breach of the above provision entails the automatic annulment of enrolment on the Masters programme.


Article 4. Enrolment – Attendance – Final qualification

Students enrolled on the Masters programme must pay the yearly matriculation fee and contributions, using the procedure indicated in the Call for applications.

Matriculation fees vary according to the specificity of the Masters programme and its objectives, also in consideration of the professional sector it is part of: the fees are established in the proposal for setting up the Masters programme.

Payment of the yearly matriculation fee may be divided into a maximum of four instalments. The first instalment must comprise at least 50% of the whole fee, and must be paid upon registration. The remaining instalments must be paid without fail within the following 60, 90, and 120 days.

In the event of registering and subsequently withdrawing from the Masters programme, the student must notify the Rector and the Masters programme coordinator directly of his/her intention; under no circumstance will the fee (or part thereof) already paid be refunded.

Only in the cases where a Masters programme is revoked will the University of Bari refund students who have enrolled, except for the stamp duty and the fee requested when initially applying for the Masters programme.

Attendance of teaching and training activities of the Masters programme is compulsory, and constitute no less than 80% of the overall activities of the programme. The successful attainment of course credits is subject to passing the examinations and tests carried out periodically in relation to the fields of study of the Masters programme.

Suspension of course attendance is not permitted.

Learning projects for the setting up and activation of Masters programmes must include periods of internship/training in companies or institutions of the relevant field of study, or an equivalent period of practical activity either in Italy or abroad of at least 300 hours (amounting to 12 course credits).

If the student so requests, these periods of internship/training may be wholly or in part considered by the Technical and Scientific Committee as equivalent to the student’s current job, when it is relevant to and consistent with the Masters programme.

Attainment of the qualification of a Masters degree is subject to successfully passing examinations and the final test ascertaining the overall acquired skills also in the light of the internship/training experience. The final examination is worth at least 3 course credits (ECTS). The result of the final examination is evaluated as “pass/pass with merit/pass cum laude”.

The final examination consists in the discussion before a commission of a written text prepared by the candidate relating to one or more subjects of the Masters programme. The commission is appointed by decree by the Administrative Director, and it is made up of three members plus two reserve members selected by the Technical and Scientific Committee. At least one of the three members must be external to the Technical and Scientific Committee.

The final examination may only be re-sat once.

At the end of the Masters programme, all students who have successfully fulfilled their teaching and administrative activities, passed the final examination, and have paid all the fees and contributions and diploma costs, will receive the certificate of the Masters programme signed by the Rector and Director General.

In order to evaluate the learning activities of the Masters programme, those who have fully completed the course are requested to fill in a questionnaire on the overall results and quality of the activities.


Article 5. The institutional bodies of the Masters programmes

The institutional bodies of the Masters programmes are: the Technical and Scientific Committee and the course coordinator.

The Technical and Scientific Committee is responsible for the organisation of the Masters programme, and guarantees the proper administration of teaching activities. It is made up of the coordinator and no less than six members, at least half of whom must be professors and researchers from the University in question. The other members may be professors and researchers from other universities, also from abroad, as well as experts possessing the relevant professional and scientific qualifications in respect of the aims of the Masters programme.

The Technical and Scientific Committee is responsible for the teaching and scientific quality of the Masters programme; it organises the teaching plan, looks after and organises the admission procedures, intermediate tests, and final examination.

The coordinator is responsible for coordinating the Masters programme, and is a professor or researcher from one of the University institutions where the Masters programme has been set up and organised.

The coordinator may coordinate more than one Masters programme, also in combination with Short Masters programmes as laid down in Title 2 of the present Regulation.


Article 6. Setting up – Activation – Renewal

The Rector provides for the setting up and activation of University Masters  programmes, after approval from the Academic Senate, on the basis of proposals made in accordance with the present regulations adopted according to art. 45, section 1, of the University Statute by one of the University institutions or centres entrusted with the management of the Masters programme and/or with making available the resources and logistics needed for teaching activities, in accordance with art. 55 of the University Statute.

The plans and proposals for setting up and activating each Masters programme, pursuant to the opinion of the competent Committee for Postgraduate Education, formulated according to the online procedures provided for on the platform reserved for CINECA (the Italian interuniversity consortium), may be presented by 30 April of each year, and they must illustrate specific learning objectives as well as possible future careers for course participants.

Each proposal must indicate:

  • the names of the internal professors who are to carry out the teaching activities, taking into account that at least 50% of teaching hours must be imparted by teaching staff working for the University of Bari;
  • internal and external personnel in charge of administration and administration/teaching support (classroom tutors);
  • entry requirements and enrolment procedures;
  • the procedures for periodical tests and also for the final examination which is worth at least 3 course credits (ECTS);
  • the maximum number of auditors allowed on the Masters programme (where applicable);
  • the maximum number of participants allowed on the Masters programme (where applicable);
  • specification of where the course will be held, the duration and procedures for internship/training activities;
  • possible external bodies and staff willing to collaborate in various guises throughout the Masters programme;
  • a financial plan which, bearing in mind the contributions required of participants and other forms of financing, provides a detailed description of all the expenses necessary for the Masters programme to function properly.

Masters programmes in the medical field also require authorisation by the directors general of public or private healthcare firms and hospitals for the students to carry out all manner of clinical and diagnostic activity, also on patients, if this is part of their training and teaching programme.

Already-existing university Masters programmes may be reactivated in subsequent years by rectoral decree, under the suggestion of the coordinator of the Masters programme and approved by the proposing university body, after the approval of the Postgraduate Education Committee.

Should the request for renewal be different from that of the original proposal, the reactivation of the Masters programme must first be approved by the proposing university body and by the Post-graduate Education Committee.


Article 7. Funding and Management

The management of the financial side of the Masters programme is entrusted to the proposing university body.

In cases where external staff and/or bodies are involved, the responsibility for the financial management is still entrusted to the proposing body of the University of Bari Aldo Moro, except where agreements establish otherwise.

The Masters programme must be completely self-funded. Financial coverage for the necessary expenses for setting up and developing the Masters programme is ensured by:

a. the fees and contributions paid by the attendee, also through grants deriving from the conversion and refunding of payments to students who have successfully completed their studies within the prescribed duration of the Masters programme;

b. any potential funding from external bodies.

Registration fees are to be paid into the University’s sole bank account.

Central Administration is entitled to no more than 35% of the registration fee. The remaining part of the fee, no more than 65%, goes to the proposing university body within 3 months from the commencement of the course. It is the coordinator who decides how the funds should be used, in accordance with the financial plan.

When preparing the budget, the Board of Directors establishes any possible variation in the amount to be allocated to the autonomous budget of the Central Administration.

In any case, between 5 and 10% of the residual amount may be allocated to the proposing university body for activities that are integrated in terms of the functioning of the Masters programme.

At the end of the course, and for a further year, any residual funds may be used by the coordinator for initiatives which are consistent with the aims of the Masters programme. At the end of this time, any residual funds remain at the disposal of the managing university body.

In cases where scholarships are available for students from external funding bodies and institutions to cover the registration fees, these too must be paid into the University’s bank account.

The attribution of teaching duties for the Masters programmes is carried out in accordance with the following criteria:

Professors and researchers may engage in paid teaching activities as long as they exhaustively carry out their other statutory teaching duties.

Teaching duties are assigned as follows:

1. teaching activities and seminars for a total of no more than 25 hours are considered as ‘occasional activities’, which may be attributed directly by the Technical and Scientific Committee which will establish remuneration according to the funds available as outlined in the financial plan of the Masters programme;

2. teaching activities exceeding 25 hours are attributed in accordance with the regulations in force relating to teaching contracts.

All those who have been appointed to carry out activities on the Masters programmes will be remunerated only after it has been attested by the coordinator that such activities were duly carried out.

Hourly pay for teaching and technical/accounting/administrative support is determined according to the regulations in force, except in case of renunciation.

Remuneration, compatibly with the financial plan presented, must not be less than 41.05 euros (gross) per hour, or more than 100.00 euros (gross) per hour. Remuneration for tutoring, and for technical/accounting/administrative support, is 30.00 euros (gross) per hour.

The Board of Directors may establish different remuneration levels by means of a specific deliberation, as may specific agreements for Masters programmes activated in collaboration with public, national, supranational, and private bodies.

Any expenses for the planning and coordination of the Masters programme must not exceed 10% of incoming funds, and in any case must be no more than 7,000.00 euros (gross).

Planning expenses for renewed Masters programmes are excluded, in accordance with art. 6 of the present Regulation.

Teaching posts may be assigned to external staff members in possession of extensive professional experience and publications that are relevant to the learning activities of the Masters programme.

Teaching posts may be assigned to directors and technical/administrative personnel of the University of Bari in possession of appropriate professional requisites. The provisions laid down in art. 23 of law 240 of 30 December 2010 and subsequent modifications, and the relative University regulation, constitute the guiding principles for assigning teaching posts.

Payments to professors working on contracts, and refunds/remuneration for external personnel including technical, administrative, and managerial staff who have held lectures, seminars, and/or conferences, must come exclusively from the Masters programme funds.

Once the Masters programme has been completed, the coordinator must present a report of the activities undertaken and the expenditure involved to the Postgraduate Committee which will in turn report to the Academic Senate, together with the final financial balance, surveys on the occupational outcomes of the students from previous editions of the course, and questionnaires for the current students to verify their degree of satisfaction.


Article 8. Distance Masters programmes

A Masters programme is considered a distance programme when at least 2/3 of its activities are online; it is considered as blended (presence/distance) if online and in-person teaching methods are employed jointly.

For distance activities, the methods of testing, both during the course and for the final examinations, and of evaluation, must be specified so that the candidate may be identified.


Article 9. Joint Masters programmes

In order to encourage the development and exchange of knowledge, strengthen collaboration,  and support integration between university systems also in terms of international education, as well as the relationship with the needs of the world of business, the arts, and professions, joint Masters programmes may be set up in collaboration with other universities and/or institutions both in Italy and abroad, both private and public.

Joint Masters programmes are governed by specific conventions and agreements of collaboration, and by the principles outlined in the present Regulation.

In accordance with the regulations in force, the qualification of university Masters programmes may also be granted jointly with other Italian or foreign universities.

In the case of a joint Masters degree, the qualification has equal legal value, except in cases where the provisions of individual countries where the joint Masters programme is held state otherwise.



Short University Masters programmes

Article 10. Short University Masters programmes

Short University Masters programmes are advanced courses planned for immediate fruition, organised by classes of users who have similar educational and/or professional interests and training, with specialised and transferable skills, which may take the form of lectures, dedicated workshops, and seminars which may even take place over a weekend. Short University Masters programmes may also use teaching methods which alternate between classroom lessons and online platforms.


Article 11. General principles

Short University Masters programmes are essentially aimed at the professional world, in order to meet the needs of keeping up-to-date and acquiring new skills.

The teaching methods in these Masters programmes are developed around the necessities of the job market, enhancing the professional skills of individual participants also bearing in mind the competitiveness of the field.

Short University Masters programmes are available to all those in possession of:

  • a university diploma of a course lasting at least three years (in accordance with the regulations prior to Ministerial Decree 509/99);
  • a university degree obtained in accordance with the regulations prior to Ministerial Decree 509/99;
  • a second cycle degree (or five-year programme) obtained in accordance with Ministerial Decree 509/99;
  • a second cycle degree obtained in accordance with Ministerial Decree 270/04;
  • an equivalent degree obtained abroad and recognised as valid by the coordinator.

Short University Masters programmes are also open to candidates who do not possess the above qualifications, but who have at least 2 years of professional experience (registered on the professional register, certified professional activity etc.); individual cases will be evaluated by the Masters Programme Directors.

At the end of the course those who have attended at least 80% of the activities and passed the final examination in the form of a questionnaire will be awarded a certificate.


Article 12. Setting up and Activation

The Rector provides for the setting up and activation of University Masters programmes, after approval from the Academic Senate.

If the Masters programme is renewed with no variation in the plan, it is set up by rectoral decree following approval from the Committee for Postgraduate Education.

Short University Masters programmes may be set up in cases where external bodies (e.g. companies, consortiums,  professional orders, or associations) have identified specific learning and training needs.

Short University Masters programmes may be set up in collaboration with external institutions from the public or private sphere, such as companies, consortiums or banks.

Proposals for projects to set up and activate Short Masters programmes may be presented at any time with no deadline restrictions.

Each proposal must indicate:

  • the aims and objectives of the programme, especially in relation to the specific professional field or sector in question;
  • the general plan for the individual learning and training activities, indicating the number of hours for teaching in its various forms (lectures, laboratory, work experience, seminars, workshops, testimonials, etc.) as well as the learning content and teaching staff (at least 2 of whom must be employed at the University of Bari, and must guarantee their commitment to the teaching activity; one of them must assume the role of Director of the Short Masters programme);
  • specification of where the course is to be held, which may also be outside the city of Bari and may be held anywhere in the Region of Puglia;
  • admission regulations and requirements, and preparation of the final test questionnaire;
  • the duration, for an overall total of no more than 100 hours, corresponding to 4 course credits and which may take place at weekends (not necessarily on a systematic basis);
  • the maximum number of students for the course, as well as the minimum number of students for the course (below which the course will not be activated);
  • the financial plan of the Short Masters programme, indicating the registration fee and related contributions.

Registration fees are to be paid into the University’s sole bank account.

Central Administration is entitled to no more than 35% of the registration fee. The remaining part of the fee, no more than 65%, goes to the proposing university body. It is the Director of the Short Masters programme who decides how the funds are to be used, in accordance with the financial plan.

When preparing the budget, the Board of Directors establishes any possible variation in the amount to be allocated to the autonomous budget of the Central Administration.

In any case, between 5 and 10% of the residual amount may be allocated to the proposing university body for activities that are integrated in terms of the functioning of the Short Masters programme.

At the end of the course, and for a further year, any residual funds may be used by the coordinator for initiatives which are consistent with the aims of the Short Masters programme. At the end of this time, any residual funds remain at the disposal of the Central Administration.

Management of the secretarial services for the Short Masters programme may be entrusted to a tutor chosen by the Director of the Short Masters programme, also in collaboration with the external body.


Article 13. The institutional bodies of the Short Masters programme

The institutional bodies of the Short Masters programmes are: the Technical and Scientific Committee, and the Director of the Short Masters programme.

The Technical and Scientific Committee is responsible for the organisation of the Masters programme, and guarantees the proper administration of teaching activities. It is made up of a Director and no less than two other members. The Technical and Scientific Committee is responsible for the teaching/scientific quality of the Short Masters programme.

The Director of the Short Masters programme must be a professor at one of the universities proposing the setting up and activation of the course.


Article 14. Recognition of Short Masters programmes

Short Masters programmes may be useful as a part of the training required to reach the qualification of level 1 and 2 University Masters programmes set up and activated by this University.

The student may request that the credits obtained during the Short Masters programme at this University count towards the course credits necessary to complete a level 1 or 2 University Masters programme.

Recognition must be approved by the Technical and Scientific Committee of the target Masters programme, taking into account the areas of affinity with the student’s Short University Masters programme.


Article 15. Final and transitory provisions

For any matter not expressed in the present regulation, reference should be made to the general regulations on the matter, the University Statute, and the University Teaching Regulations.

published on Apr 04, 2018 last modified May 24, 2022

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