
Affiliation: Department of Economy and Finance – University of Bari (Italy)

Title: Associate Professor in Economic and Political Geography


a. y. 2002/2003 – Economic and Political Geography.

a. y. 2003/2004 – Geography of  Development.

a. y. 2004/2005 – Geography of  Development, Geography of  Tourism.

a. y. 2005/2006 – Geography of  Development, Geography of  Tourism, Economic and Development Geography.

a. y. 2006/2007  – Economic and Development Geography, Teaching Methodology of Geography.

a. y. 2010/2011 – Geography to the Development of Entrepreneurship.

From a. y. 2012/2013 to a. y. 2015/2016 – Human Geography.

From a. y. 2015/2016 - Geography of  Tourism.

From a. y. 2005/2006 to a. y. 2017/2018 – Economic Geography.

From a. y. 2017/2018 – Political Geography

Research interests

Economic geography, geography of  development, tourism, regional economics, transports, teaching methodology, human geography.

Research in progress

Geography of Tourism, Geography of Transport, Geography of inner areas and regional impacts, Geography of Agriculture. 

Membership of national research group in former years:

Comparative Geography of European and non-European rural areas

Historical centres and territorial layout in Apulia and Basilicata

Reorganization of business enterprises in Apulian urban space

Foreign immigration in Italy. Towards a multicultural society?

The water question and territorial organization in Apulia

Tourism development and territorial transformation. Urban areas, ecosystems and regional complexity

Methodology to mapping enterprises geographic and spatial relationships

Coastal and Maritime Geography

Territorial Impact Assessment

Some selected publications

  • “An analysis of sustainable tourism development in coastal areas of Albania”, in 7th International Scientific Conference “Economic Policy and EU Integration”, Durrës, Albania, 8 April 2016, Proceedings Book, ISBN: 978-9928-209153; and in Interdisplinary Journal of Research and Development,  Vol (III), No.1, 2016, ISSN: 2313-058X, pp. 49-54.
  • Ivona A., Lopez L., “El turismo rural en la región de Apulia (Italia). Iniciativas y  prácticas: entre presente y futuro”, in X CITURDES Congreso Internacional de Turismo Rural y Desarrollo Sostenible, Santiago de Compostela (España), 18-21 octubre 2016, 2016, pp. 539-553. ISBN: 978-84-617-5616-2.
  • “Economic effects of rural tourism. Farm, food-and-wine and enhancement of cultural routes” in Bambi G. (edited by), The European Pilgrimage Routes for Promoting Sustainable and Quality Tourism in Rural Areas. International Conference proceedings 4-6 December 2014, Firenze-Italy, 2015, pp. 779-791, ISBN 978-88-6655-812-5 (on line).
  • La Specializzazione Tecnica Superiore (IFTS). Un apporto allo sviluppo del turismo rurale, Bari, WIP Edizioni, 2014, pp. 1-152, ISBN 9788884593245
  • “Worldwide trade and illegal activities. The Port of Taranto and the counterfeiting as a consequence of the increasing freight traffic from the East” in  Studi e Ricerche socio-territoriali, 1-2011 Fasc. 2, ISSN 2037-6340, pp. 265-280.
  • “I sistemi turistici territoriali e il turismo sostenibile. Una proposta per la valorizzazione dei comuni dell’antica Via Francigena del Sud” in AA.VV. Il turismo sostenibile: esperienze e strumenti, Rende (Cs), 2011, Università degli Studi della Calabria Centro Editoriale e Librario, ISBN 978-88-7458-107-8, pp. 253-262.
  • “Turismo sostenibile e aree interne. Il Progetto Hospitis in Puglia” in Cannizzaro S. (a cura di) Geografia, territorio, turismo. Ricerche e casi studio di geografia turistica in Italia, Pàtron Editore,  Bologna, 2011.
  • “The geo-economic effects of the New Silk Road”, in Venezia E. (a cura di)  Decisional process for infrastructural investment choice. (In progress)
  •  “Decommissioned Lighthouses. From abandonment to regeneration”, in Giornate del Turismo 2016 “Verso un’ospitalità sostenibile” - Rimini, 13-14 ottobre.  (In progress)
  •  “Politiche di riequilibrio  territoriale per le aree interne. I Monti  Dauni” in Atti del  X INCONTROITALO-FRANCESE di GEOGRAFIA SOCIALE  “Ripartire dal territorio. I limiti e le potenzialità di una pianificazione dal basso”, 30-31 marzo 2017, Monastero degli Olivetani (Padiglione Chirico), Lecce. (In progress)


pubblicato il 17/03/2014 ultima modifica 06/04/2018

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