Centro di Tecnologie Innovative per la Rilevazione e l'Elaborazione del Segnale (T.I.R.E.S.)

Center of Innovative Technologies for Signal Detection and Processing

next  Organization structure

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next  Charter/Statuto


Organization structure

The Excellence Center “Innovative technologies for signal detection and processing” (TIRES) has been approved by the Italian Ministry of Education (MIUR) on January 13th, 2000 and by the Bari University on July 25, 2002 (D.R. n. 6104).

The management structure  is described in the Charter approved by Academic Senate of the University of Bari.

To the center activities participate about 20 members of the academic staff of the Bari University. 

Beyond the Charter, also the management rules of the Center have been approved. Therefore the Center is ready for financial autonomy. The Center has obtained funds from the MIUR and the University of Bari for the first years, fully balancing the budget.

The Administrative Direction is in the Physics Department.


The proposal for the constitution of the Centre was presented in April 2000 and definitively approved by the Minister of University and Research in May 2001.

About twenty researchers of the Science, Medicine and Economy Departments of the Bari University, participate to the activities of the Centre.

The main purpose of the Centre is to perform R&D and to transfer innovative technologies for the detection and modelling/analysis of information in interdisciplinary applications, thus promoting the cross-fertilization of knowledge among the Departments of our University. Basically these approaches are of two types:

a) Development of new detectors and/or sensors. 

b) Development of innovative methods for modelling/analysis of big data in interdisciplinary applications which require the collection and management of huge amount of data.

 The Centre is also active in supporting the creation of new learning environments whose programmes aim at creating modern professional figures,which fit into our world shaped by the digital revolution.  

Finally, the Centre has also embraced its third mission of contributing to society, and supports the organization of divulgative events on interdisciplinary themes.


Short- and long-term objectives

The Centre is devoted to the development of innovative technologies for detecting and processing information.

On the first side, the aim of the Centre is to apply innovative detectors/sensors based on Solid State Physics (Si, GaAs), Resistive Plate Chamber (RPC), quantum optics (IR laser), gas sensors. All these detectors have been object of study and partial development at the Physics Department and at Chemistry Department of the University of Bari, within the researches funded by INFN, CERN, INFM and CNR. Although originated from fundamental researches, these technologies can have impressive applications in fields such as medicine and environment protection (pollution, detection of buried unexploded ordinances).

On the second side the aim of Centre is to develop and to optimize algorithms and methods for the analysis of signals and images, as well as to exploit physical modelling of complex systems to describe biological, medicl and socio-economical systems. Well established activities of the Centre include the analysis of brain signals for migraine and MRI images for Alzheimer, Bioinformatics, Molecular Biology and Evolution, Medical Chemistry and Drug Design, Cancer genesis, Marketing and Communication. Examples of the methodologies used to handle these topics are (i) the Deep Learning paradigm, based on associative instead of content-addressable memory (ii) causality analysis by the Granger approach and Transfer Entropy (iii) molecular dynamics simulations (iv) clustering algorithms, a form of unsupervised classification which partitions a given data set into homogeneous groups. Further interdisciplinary projects are foreseen in the near future, as the Centre promotes cross-fertilization of knowledge among the Departments of our University.  In this perspective, it is worth mentioning the collaboration of the Centre with the Bari ReCaS DataCenter, built by the University of Bari "Aldo Moro" and the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN); Recas is a valuable infrastructure for data storage, management and computing power which is available for the interdisciplinary activities promoted by TIRES.

Besides the objectives concerning research we have already mentioned, the Centre will have other long term aims.

1) A foremost objective is to bring together competencies from several departments of the Bari University  to facilitate the exchange of scientific information, problems, ideas, methods. This cross-disciplinary approach certainly allow the fertilization of the different disciplines in the Centre and result in a systematic breakthrough for the researchers. Main tool for this approach is the seminar activity, not only the specialized one, but also the systematic presentation of cross-disciplinary seminars for a broad audience of researchers of the Centre. Another instrument is the consolidation of the scientific collaboration between researchers belonging to different Departments, which so far happened in a sporadic and occasional way.

2) A further important long term objective is the consolidation of the PhD and other High education programs, using the PhD courses existing since many years in the Bari University, and the promotion of new Masters, at the Bari University, at the boundary between disciplines.

3) A final long-term objective is the spin-off of the researches performed in the Centre towards some large and small firms collaborating with researchers of the Centre in their different activities. We wish to consolidate the connections already existing that allow, for example, the funding of learning environments of the post-graduated level by these firms.


Elezioni del Coordinatore del Centro "TIRES"

pubblicato il 05/12/2013 ultima modifica 13/12/2022

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