
This page is intended for enrolled students wishing to make experience abroad.
International students wishing to study in Bari can find useful information on the Incoming Students University page. Questions about this specific Master course should be addresses to the .

Students are encouraged to undertake internship periods and to carry out all or only a part of their project thesis abroad, in collaboration with international partners. Professors and researchers can often provide you the opportunity to share their own collaboration links with foreign institutions.University of Bari provides a number of GLOBAL THESIS grants to students carrying on at least three months of their thesis project at an EU research institution.

Guidelines for accessing the Erasmus OUTGOING program are available on the Chemistry Department website. 

Erasmus Student Network offers a dedicated coaching service to outgoing mobility called ASK Erasmus according to which students on departure can ask for support from ESN volunteers and be supported by colleagues who have already completed the mobility period.

The open calls to apply for grants and other opportunities within programs and collaboration agreements stipulated by the University with various foreign institutions can be found on the University page devoted to outgoing mobility: Opportunità di Studio e Formazione all'Estero


Other useful external links:


Ministero degli Affari Esteri (MAE)

Ministero per gli Affari Economici e la Cooperazione Internazionale (MAECI)

Fondazione CRUI

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR)

pubblicato il 09/06/2018 ultima modifica 05/06/2024

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