
Dr Paolo Capozza graduated in Veterinary Medicine in 2015 and specialized in Infectious Diseases of Animals, in 2018, at the Department of Veterinary Medicine (DiMeV), University of Bari (UniBa). In 2019 he completed the Short Master: Statistics for biomedical research: from the clinical question to data analysis at the Department of Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology, UniBa. In 2020 he carried out a three-month internship (fellowship) (from August to November 2020) at the laboratory of the Jockey Club College of Veterinary Medicine and Life Sciences in virological research under the supervision of Prof. Vanessa Barrs. In June 2022, he obtained a PhD in Animal Health and Zoonosis at the DiMeV, UniBa. He defended the thesis entitled: "New diagnostic techniques in animal virology and virus discovery" under the supervision of Prof. Vito Martella. Since 2021 he has been a Stanrd Resident of the European College of Veterinary Microbiology-ECMV at DiMeV, UniBa. He is currently a researcher in the Infectious Diseases section of the DiMeV, UniBa. Major research areas include hepatic and enteric viral infections, including rotavirus, astrovirus, circovirus, hepadnavirus, and hepevirus. He contributed to identifying hepatotropic viruses, hepadnavirus and hepevirus, in domestic carnivores. He is the author and co-author of publications in international peer-reviewed journals.

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pubblicato il 08/08/2023 ultima modifica 04/10/2023

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