Gender Studies 40th cycle - a.y. 2024/2025

Selections for admission to the XL cycle of the PhD programme for the academic year 2024/2025
Deadline: July, 22th 2024 12PM (italian time)

🔗 Call for application

PhD of National Interest

Gender Studies

Coordinator: Prof.ssa Francesca Romana Recchia Luciani

Administrative office: Dipartimento di Ricerca e Innovazione Umanistica


1) Philosophical-Political (Scientific Disciplinary Fields):  

M-FIL/01 Theoretical Philosophy; M-FIL/05 Philosophy and Theory of Languages; M-FIL/06 History of Philosophy; M-STO/02 Modern History; M-STO/04 Contemporary History; SPS/01 Political Philosophy; SPS /02 History of Political Doctrines; SPS /04 Political Science. 

2) Economic-Ethical-Law (Scientific Disciplinary Fields) 

IUS/01 Private Law; IUS/08 Constitutional Law; IUS/10 Administrative Law; IUS/13 International Law; M-FIL/03 Moral Philosophy; M-GGR/02 Economic-Political Geography; SECS-P/01 Political Economy; SECS-P /02 Economic Policy; SECS-P /06 Applied Economics; SECS-P /11 Economics of Financial Intermediaries. 

3) Area -Pedagogical-Psychological-Sociological (Scientific Disciplinary Fields):  

MED/42 General and Applied Hygiene; M-PED/01 General and Social Pedagogy; M-PED/02 History of Pedagogy; M-PSI/04 Developmental Psychology and Educational Psychology; M-PSI/07 Dynamic Psychology; M-PSI/08 Clinical Psychology; SPS/07 General Sociology; SPS /08 Sociology of Cultural and Communicative Processes. 

4) Artistic-Literary-Linguistic-Media (Scientific Disciplinary Fields)  

ICAR/14 Architectural and Urban Composition; ICAR/18 History of Architecture; L-ART/03 History of Contemporary Art; L-ART/05 Disciplines of the Performing Arts; L-ART/06 Cinema, Photography and Television; L-FIL-LET/10 Italian Literature; L-FIL-LET/14 Literary Criticism and Comparative Literature; L-LIN/12 Language and Translation - English Language; SPS /08 Sociology of Cultural and Communicative Processes. 


  • Total number of places available: n. 35   
    •  with scholarships Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro: n. 4 
    •  with scholarship as per Ministerial Decree no. 629/24: n. 8 
    •  with scholarship as per Ministerial Decree no. 630/24: n. 13  
    •  with scholarship co-financed by company(ies) (“Patti territoriali dell’alta formazione per le imprese” – CUP: F61B23000370006): n. 4 
    •  with scholarships with affiliated Universities: n. 5 

 with scholarsip funden by other projects: n. 1 

    •  1 scholarship UniBA on PRESERVE (no. 101168309) Horizon Europe call CL3-2023 FCT 0101  


Duration: 3 years