Jean Monnet Public Lectures


Every Year the Jean Monnet Migration course is opened with a Public Lecture in which scholars and experienced people in migration policies, borders control and human rights protection in the Euro Mediterranean Region are invited to present their research findings. The opening lecture is being added to further occasional public lectures held by major scholars and experts who happen to visit the University of Bari during the Jean Monnet course.

The Jean Monnet Public Lectures take place October through December, coinciding with the first semester, and provide an opportunity for students of the University of Bari to interact with experts of migration policies, asylum and human rights protection both nationally and internationally. They also aim to stimulate public debate on great relevance topics influencing the city of Bari and the Apulia region.



More info:

Dr. Irene Paolino

Organizational Secretariat

Department of Political Sciences

University of Bari 'Aldo Moro'

Via Suppa 9, 70121 BARI

published on Nov 21, 2023 last modified Feb 09, 2024

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