Attività di Ricerca

I am affiliated to Department of Education, Psychology and Communication at University of Bari Aldo Moro as Assistant Professor in Clinical Psychology, and to the Section for Neurodiagnostic Applications of the Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich as guest researcher. During my PhD and postdoctoral fellowship in Italy, I built strong expertise in fMRI data acquisition, processing and analysis and in the development of functional connectivity techniques. During my postdoctoral fellowship in Munich, I complemented this methodological expertise through the training and the use of machine learning and deep learning techniques applied to multimodal data sources. Up to now, my research has aimed at elucidating how genetic risk for schizophrenia modulates brain phenotypes to better understand the biological pathways involved in the disorder. I therefore moved the focus of my research from diagnosis to prevention of disease using a conjunction of neurobiological and observable behavior techniques. Specifically, I am interested in applying machine learning techniques to clinical, cognitive and neuroimaging data for prediction of functional outcome, transition to psychosis and symptoms remission in individuals at risk or at the first episode of psychosis. The ultimate aim is to provide clinical practice with effective early identification models that could serve as a target for disease monitoring or treatment outcome within psychosis spectrum disorders.


Prizes and Awards: 

 MAY 2019, 16-18, CHICAGO: 

2019 Society of Biological Psychiatry (SOBP) Conference.

Awarded with the “Rising Star Showcase” presentation for the project “Classification of Schizophrenia using Machine Learning with Multimodal Markers” (authors: Linda A. Antonucci, Giulio Pergola, Dominic Dwyer, Silvia Torretta, Raffaella Romano, Barbara Gelao, Nora Penzel, Antonio Rampino, Giuseppe Blasi, Nikolaos Koutsouleris, Alessandro Bertolino).


Travel Award within the LMU Excellent program for the Rising Star Showcase Presentation “Classification of Schizophrenia using Machine Learning with Multimodal Markers” (authors: Linda A. Antonucci, Giulio Pergola, Dominic Dwyer, Silvia Torretta, Raffaella Romano, Barbara Gelao, Nora Penzel, Antonio Rampino, Giuseppe Blasi, Nikolaos Koutsouleris, Alessandro Bertolino).

APRIL 2018, 4-8, FIRENZE:

6th Schizophrenia International Research Society Conference

Travel award for the study “Predicting Schizophrenia: Identification of Multimodal Markers of Disease through a Machine Learning Approach” (authors: Linda A. Antonucci, Giulio Pergola, Dominic Dwyer, Silvia Torretta, Maria Teresa Attrotto, Raffaella Romano, Barbara Gelao, Antonio Rampino, Giuseppe Blasi, Nikolaos Koutsouleris, Alessandro Bertolino).

APRIL 2016, 2-6, FIRENZE:

5th Schizophrenia International Research Society Conference

Poster award (Sponsor: NPJ schizophrenia) for the study “Thalamic medio-dorsal connectivity during attentional control measured with Independent Component Analysis is associated with familiar risk for schizophrenia and with a Polygenic Risk Score” (authors: Linda A. Antonucci, Paolo Taurisano, Leonardo Fazio, Raffaella Romano, Giulio Pergola, Roberta Passiatore, Pasquale Di Carlo, Barbara Gelao, Alessandro Bertolino, Giuseppe Blasi).

JUNE 2012, PISA:

Giornate Italiane di Psichiatria e Psicofarmacologia Clinica, 15.06.2018.

1st prize for the poster “Risposta cerebrale al controllo attentivo durante stimolazione dei recettori D2 dopaminergici con Bromocriptina” (autori: Linda Antonucci, Paolo Taurisano, Barbara Gelao, Leonardo Fazio, Pierluigi Selvaggi, Tiziana Quarto, Rosa Vitale, Gianluca Ursini, Antonio Rampino, Rita Masellis, Raffaella Romano, Apostolos Papazacharias, Annabella Di Giorgio, Grazia Caforio, Teresa Popolizio, Lorenzo Sinibaldi, Giuseppe Blasi, Alessandro Bertolino).

pubblicato il 06/06/2013 ultima modifica 01/10/2020

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