1rst step: After your enrolment at the Erasmus Office, you will receive on your personal email address the “Promemoria immatricolazione” with your Matricola number and your User ID. The User ID represents the first part of your UNIBA e-mail address (e.g. User ID patty.smith /UNIBA e-mail address

You cannot access the platform yet.


2nd step: on your personal email address you will receive the instructions to access our platform “ESSE3”.

At the first login you need to follow the procedure “Password dimenticata”. This is the link:

Fill in your fiscal code (indicated on the instructions of the 2nd step) and your personal email address.

Then, you'll receive a provisional password that you can change at your first login.


Follow the instructions below, to fill in the exams on your Libretto Esse3. Please note that exams must coincide with those indicated on your Learning Agreement.

Instructions to book exams:
-       Click on  “ Home “
-       Click on “ Appelli ”
-       Click on “ Ricerca Appelli “
-       Write the correct name of the subject



  1. The same subject (“Attività Didattica”) could be available in different fields of study(“Corsi di studio”), therefore you have to know in which of them you have to attend the lessons, in order to be sure to book the correct “Appello”.
  2. If you find a red sign, it means that it’s not possible to book that exam yet. In fact, each exam can be booked during a specific period (“Appelli”).
  3. After selecting the correct “Appello” and before succeeding in “Prenotati all’appello”, you are asked to fill in a “Questionario” available on the left of your page (“Questionari di valutazione delle attività didattiche”).
  4. After passing the exam, you are asked to accept the mark on time (the fixed time is usually: 5 days), otherwise you loose that exam.


In case of problems (such as “Questionario” not available or “Appello” not available), contact the Erasmus Office as soon as possible. 

pubblicato il 10/11/2020 ultima modifica 20/03/2023

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