Educate to a Sustainable Future

COP 27 Sharm el-Sheikh Egypt 2022

Multiplier Event leaded by Womenvai and the University of Bari Aldo Moro
COP 27 Sharm el-Sheikh Egypt 2022
Main topic: Education and Youth

The event intends to foster debate on the relevance of social
responsibility (SR) and sustainability maturity integration in higher
education institutions (HEIs) for sustainable development goals to be
achieved. Several contributions are expected.

-First, the variables that impact on the effectiveness of responsibility
teaching, and the criteria for the identification, description, and
categorisation of the maturity of SR/sustainability in higher education
institutions will be discussed.

-Second, the challenge of developing innovative teaching formats and
measuring teaching effectiveness will be debated.

-Third, how academia executives and policymakers may derive policy
indications for the enhancement of the university system and the
development of policies, that would facilitate HEIs embracing Education
for Sustainable Development all over the world, will be discussed.

Remote link on Microsoft Teams : Code 05290ae

COP27 LFLT 7 11 2022.jpg

Prof. Elisabetta Venezia and Prof. Fabio Pizzutilo, University of Bari Aldo Moro, Bari, Italy

Prof. Lidia Zakowska

Info evento
  • Quando

    il 16/11/2022 dalle 09:00 alle 12:00 (Europe/Berlin / UTC100)

  • Dove

    Sharm el-Sheikh Egypt 2022

  • Contatti

  • Telefono

    +39 080 5049323

  • Aggiungi l'evento al calendario


pubblicato il 08/11/2022 ultima modifica 08/11/2022

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