Pubblicazioni recenti

Journal Articles

“Bilateral Investment Treaties and Backward Linkages in Sub-Saharan Africa”, International Economics, 2021, vol. 165, (coauthor V. Amendolagine)

“Italy’s national research assessment: some unpleasant effects”, Studies in Higher Education, 2020, vol. 45, (coauthor M.J. Grisorio) 

“The impacts of spatially targeted programs: evidence from Guangdong”, Regional Studies, 2020, vol. 54, (coauthors E. Barbieri, C. Pollio) 

“Public expenditure in time of crisis: are Italian policymakers choosing the right mix?”, Economia Politica. Journal of Analytical and Institutional Economics, 2018, vol. 35 (coauthor M.J. Grisorio) 

The Impact of Fiscal Decentralization on the Composition of Public Expenditure: Panel Data Evidence from Italy”, Regional Studies, 2015, vol. 49 (coauthor M.J. Grisorio) 

Foreign direct investment, employment and wages in Sub-Saharan Africa”, Journal of International Development, 2015, vol. 27 (coauthors N. Coniglio, A. Seric)

"The short and the long run relationship between fiscal decentralization and public expenditure composition in Italy", Economics Letters, 2015, vol. 130 (coauthor M.J. Grisorio) 

"Which domestic firms benefit from FDI? Evidence from selected African countries”, Development Policy Review, 2015, vol. 33 (coauthors A. Boly, N. Coniglio, A. Seric)

"Diaspora Investments and Firm Export Performance in Selected Sub-Saharan African Countries", World Development, 2014, vol. 59 (coauthors A. Boly, N. Coniglio, A. Seric) - Additional Tables

"FDI and local linkages in developing countries: evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa", World Development, 2013, vol. 50 (coauthors V. Amendolagine, A. Boly, N. Coniglio, A. Seric).

Regional innovation systems: which role for public policies and innovation agencies? Some insights from the  experience of an Italian region”, European Planning Studies, 2011, vol. 19 (8) (coauthors A. Fiore, M.J. Grisorio).

Human capital accumulation and migration in a peripheral EU region: the case of Basilicata”, Papers in Regional Science, 2008, vol. 87 (1) (coauthor N. Coniglio).


Senza cassa. Le politiche di sviluppo del Mezzogiorno dopo l’Intervento straordinario, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2012 (coautore G. Viesti).

Le nuove politiche regionali dell’Unione Europea, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2008 (coautore G. Viesti) (nuova edizione; II edizione 2005; I edizione 2004).


Book chapters

“The Contribution of European Cohesion Policy to Public Investment” (coauthors G. Viesti, M. Bux) in Cerniglia F., Saraceno F. (eds.) European Public Investment Outlook, open book publishers, Cambridge,, 2020

“Human capital formation and the missing regional upgrading in the EU periphery: the role of migration and education-job mismatch” (coauthor N. Coniglio) in Fonseca M., Fratesi U. (eds.) Regional upgrading in Southern Europe: spatial disparities and human capital, Springer, London/Berlin, 2017

“La qualità della ricerca” (coautrice M.J. Grisorio) in Viesti G. (a cura di) Università in declino. Un’indagine sugli atenei da Nord a Sud, Donzelli Editore, 2016

“Un confronto fra l’Abilitazione scientifica nazionale e la Valutazione della qualità della ricerca” (coautrice M.J. Grisorio, E. Pavolini) in Viesti G. (a cura di) Università in declino. Un’indagine sugli atenei da Nord a Sud, Donzelli Editore, 2016

The regional innovation agencies in Europe: a comparative analysis” (coauthors A. Fiore, M.J. Grisorio) in Bellini N., Danson M., Halkier H. (eds.) Regional Development Agencies: The Next Generation. Networking, Knowledge and Regional Change”, Routledge, 2012.

“Economic crises and regional convergence in the EU: an exploration of facts, theories and policy implications” (coauthor N. Coniglio) in W. Meeusen (ed.) The Economic Crisis and Euro Area Integration, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2010.

pubblicato il 02/09/2013 ultima modifica 11/02/2021

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